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10+ Year Member
Oct 17, 2008
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I've been finishing up my applications and am now requesting my transcripts. I didn't realize how long it takes for transcripts to be received AMCAS. If I request my transcripts now and submit my application in the next week how behind will I be in the verification process?

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I've been finishing up my applications and am now requesting my transcripts. I didn't realize how long it takes for transcripts to be received AMCAS. If I request my transcripts now and submit my application in the next week how behind will I be in the verification process?

If you request your transcripts from your school now, it'll probably take 7-10 days to get them/mark them as received for your application. At that point, the verification process can begin, which will likely take about 4 weeks. This would put your AMCAS application as being verified in mid-August. In the grand scheme of things, this isn't early, but it isn't terribly late either.