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15+ Year Member
Oct 17, 2003
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I don't understand the process of submitting my transcripts. Could someone please help.

Do I request the transcripts to be sent to the individuals schools?

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send all your transcripts to AADSAS...NOT THE INDIVIDUAL SCHOOLS.
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Also, make sure you print out the Transcript Matching Form for each university you attended (if you attended more than one) and tell your Registrar to seal the Transcript Matching Form along with your transcript when they send it to AADSAS.
Also, make sure you print out the Transcript Matching Form for each university you attended (if you attended more than one) and tell your Registrar to seal the Transcript Matching Form along with your transcript when they send it to AADSAS.

hmmm what is a Transcript Matching Form? Where do I download it? Would my application be delayed if I don't have that form included?
hmmm what is a Transcript Matching Form? Where do I download it? Would my application be delayed if I don't have that form included?

On your AADSAS application click on "Colleges Attended (Transcript Matching Form)" and on the left hand column beside your institution name there is an orange icon you can click on. The orange icon is under the heading of "transcript matching form". Print the form out and fill out the necessary information. You have to mail or hand in this form to your registrar and tell them to send it in the same envelope as your transcript. Without this form your application will be delayed and AADSAS will not be able to match your transcript with your application.
Thank you so much for the information. :thumbup::thumbup: