Transfer GPA/Credit question/concern

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10+ Year Member
Jan 10, 2011
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Hey everyone,

So I am in the process of transferring from Rutgers University to Drexel University (undergrad). Everything was going smoothly until i found out that my GPA/grades does not transfer over to Drexel, just the credits. I am assuming med schools will ask for transcripts from rutgers to see my gen bio/gen chem/calc grades?

I currently have a 3.2 GPA (im a freshman and had a rough start first semester but will most likely a 3.3-3.4 after the semester is complete) so I dont necessarily have a precious GPA i want to save, but the fact i loose my GPA and start from scratch troubles me.

At Drexel i will be taking physics, orgo, evolution, and techniques of molecular bio (lab). Since my course load seems quite difficult, I am afraid that if i do manage to do bad my first term there, my GPA will suffer extremely. I have faith in myself that i will do well, but would following through with my transferring probably be a bad idea? As a side note, evolution is an upper level biology class that just talks about natural selection, important times in history of life, etc, so it doesnt seem too difficult. Techniques of molecular bio is a group lab so that also doesnt sound very strenuous (however these are just speculations).

here is an general idea of my schedule for the curious: No Track/OP 5yr Spr.Su COOP_No Track.pdf

In the coop terms/free electives i will be taking courses in my chosen minor (psychiatric rehab)

I guess im just looking for someone to evaluate to pros and cons of this situation. I have been going through this transfer process alone so i want to make sure i dont screw myself over in the long run.

Thanks for your time!

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Yes, schools require transcripts from every school that you have attended since high school (for better or worse). If you have other legitimate reasons to transfer, then by all means feel free, the GPA issue is of no concern.
Thanks for the speedy reply!

Im transferring since I think their coop program will help me stand out during the admissions process for medical school and it makes me feel better that if i dont get into med school i will have connections with other business which will help me find someplace to work. Also how the school is structured i will have more time for volunteer/research which is good since i did absolutely nothing this year except go to a few club meetings. I'm also really interested in their psychiatric rehab minor (seeing as i want to become a psychiatrist). Drexel's Public Health school isnt that bad either and thats my backup (so hopefully they give preference admissions to Drexel students). Those are my main reasons for transferring, with others being location, etc. Hopefully they are legitimate enough seeing as Drexel comes with a big price tag... (working on getting better financial aid).

Thanks again for the reply. Others please feel free to give your opinions. :)