UBELT - English Language Test with test events in Romania and Bulgaria

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10+ Year Member
May 1, 2010
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Hello everyone,

UBELT is an established English language test centre at the University of Bath.
UBELT has extensive expertise in specialist test design. We have a team of highly experienced examiners and test administrators. We design and conduct English language testing for medical professionals and students and border & immigration purposes.
We work in conjunction with language experts at the University of Bath, professional bodies, government agencies, employers and recruitment agencies.

The UBELT Test is recognised by NHS, the Home Office Border & Immigration Agency and by major UK companies.
UBELT tests are for:
• UKBA Tier 1 and Tier 2 visa applicants under the points-based system;
• Healthcare professionals, who are seeking employment where English is a requirement.

The test is not compulsory, but it can allow you to demonstrate that you have taken an English language test when you apply for a job in the UK. The certificate is valid for one year after the test date.

There are 3 types of UBELT test- Away Tests, University of Bath Tests and Overseas Medical University Tests.
UBELT hosts test events at the Universitatea de Vest "Vasile Goldis", Romania.
Our next event will take place on Monday 14th June 2010.

If you require more information, please visit http://www.bath.ac.uk/ubelt/about.html
For FAQs: http://www.bath.ac.uk/ubelt/faqs.html
And if you wish to apply: http://www.bath.ac.uk/ubelt/applications/romania.php

Please do not hesitate to ask me further questions about the test if you require additional information.

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