UCLA alternate list?

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Mar 8, 2007
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any news? anyone?

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any news? anyone?

I believe they sent out letters to the alternates telling them what tier they are in. It seems if you are not in the top tier, your chances of admission this year are not good.
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So, Let's say that you are at the top of the list, shoud you just wait for a few more weeks before you reapply or it's better just to reapply right now?
So, Let's say that you are at the top of the list, shoud you just wait for a few more weeks before you reapply or it's better just to reapply right now?

Plan for the worst and hope for the best. I think the safe thing is to reapply and have that covered just in case you don't get in... better safe than sorry
So, Let's say that you are at the top of the list, shoud you just wait for a few more weeks before you reapply or it's better just to reapply right now?

You may want to call Noemi and ask her what your chances are.