UCSF status

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Pilot Mike

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Apr 13, 2006
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Does anyone have the link for the UCSF application status page? I saw it posted somewhere on here before, but I can't seem to find it anymore and can't find it on the UCSF webpage.

Also, does UCLA have a status link as well?

Thanks all.

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There's a specific link to the UCSF site. Just like UOP has one also, where you enter your last name, aadsas #, and email and it gives you the info at that school. That's the one i'm looking for
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don't expect anything soon.

I hear they won't start looking at apps until October.
plus it is impossible to get through to a person...it's like ten minutes of recorded messages first.
plus it is impossible to get through to a person...it's like ten minutes of recorded messages first.

you actually got through at all? ive called like a dozen times and i always end with a "leave a message" message.