UF Dental

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Time is flyin, but thought I'd put in my two cents about UF Dental. Apparently I have a real good chance of going there, as a dental student I talked to said their most recent class took 2 people from outside Florida...adn 80& were from University of Florida. What do you all think of this? Is this the trend for state schools? Also, is two hours every night and four hours each weekend day enough for the DAT? I plan to take it this May and am already getting really familiar with each section...



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Well Im busting my arse off like doing 8:00 to 1:00am days now, study study study, do DAT, do classes, volunteer, do personal statement, volunteer somemore, blah blah blah


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Relax dex. You'll do fine on the DAT, considering you're studying a lot. I studied for a week and I did pretty well. You're stressing way too much about this whole process. In reality, dental school is not that hard to get into if you have consistant good grades and a slightly above average DAT. Relax and enjoy your college years while you can.

I got waitlisted at UF and I am a UF senior (this is my last semester). I've worked at the dental school and also did the Shand's shadowing thing. Personally, I'm glad I got waitlisted.

I most likely will not go there if I get in. I've heard more bad things about UF than good. Sure, it's a great school, but the atmosphere is crazy. The cut throat competition that exists there is not the kind of environment I want to learn in. From what I've observed, the students are stressed out and the patient pool in G-ville sucks. I mean they have to wake up at 3am just to sign up for a chair... not the kind of place I want to be in.
IWuvTeef said:
Relax dex. You'll do fine on the DAT, considering you're studying a lot. I studied for a week and I did pretty well. You're stressing way too much about this whole process. In reality, dental school is not that hard to get into if you have consistant good grades and a slightly above average DAT. Relax and enjoy your college years while you can.

I got waitlisted at UF and I am a UF senior (this is my last semester). I've worked at the dental school and also did the Shand's shadowing thing. Personally, I'm glad I got waitlisted.

I most likely will not go there if I get in. I've heard more bad things about UF than good. Sure, it's a great school, but the atmosphere is crazy. The cut throat competition that exists there is not the kind of environment I want to learn in. From what I've observed, the students are stressed out and the patient pool in G-ville sucks. I mean they have to wake up at 3am just to sign up for a chair... not the kind of place I want to be in.

ditto to the above. Yes I am paying more at NYU, but not much more ( a few scholarships and other money), but UF is more hype than anything else. All it has going for it is cheap tution. Not going to UFCD was probably the best choice I made.
Hey Dex-

Lots of people are not fond of UF on here, but I had a wonderful time there both during the open house and when I went for my interview. The students I talked to were happy for the most part, with the exception of the problem finding patients that need the work that you need to get done. But it seems to me every school has its pros and cons. I personally like to hear all the pro's and con's so I can make an educated decision (if and when I get the opportunity), but right now I am waitlisted at UF and I would LOVE nothing more than to get in there....
Brocnizer2007 did u get into UF last year? We know IWuvTeef didn't. To anyone else reading this make sure that the opinions you hear are from actual students of the d-school...Please dont bad mouth other people's programs...

I was at the program a lot. I went to UNF and did volunteer work at shands in Jax and other stuff at the school. After 2 years of seeing how the dental school was run, there was no way I wanted to go there. I have some friends in the '07 class...and the weirdist thing is that I ran into some UF d2 students in killington VT over christmas break and he knew my friend there...talk about a small world. I think the guys name I ran into was Victor.
I should add this, UF has a very strong didatic program and you will probably get into any speciality you want. Its the clincial side that scared me away and some of the politics that go on
If anyone has any reservations about UF, I'd like to clear up a few things. From the many dental students I've talked to there, apparently finding patients and chairs suck!!! Its a battle and they also say theres alot of politics there. Also, Gainesville doesn't necesarily have the best patient pool when almost 60% have some sort of disease or are missing atleast 5 teeth and are bound to have atleast one black or green one (trust me I've seen this). In addition, is it just me (or Gainesville) or does every dental school's patient pool all have some kinda mental disorder? THe people we get in there are ****oo!
drusier said:
Brocnizer2007 did u get into UF last year? We know IWuvTeef didn't. To anyone else reading this make sure that the opinions you hear are from actual students of the d-school...Please dont bad mouth other people's programs...

Don't put words in my mouth. I've worked at the dental school for several years and probably know more about it than you do. I also know many people who attend the school (from freshmen to seniors). I have based my opinions on the school from what I have seen in the past years I have worked there. I've also formed my opinions from conversations I've had with students there. So a big :raspberry: to you.

Note: Dru's attitude is exactly what I'm talking about. I'm not bad-mouthing the program or every single student there; it's the atmosphere there. The politics and all the attitude I've seen in the past and during this semester (from teachers and students alike) shyed me away from the program. I want to go to a place where I know I'd be happy.

And no, I'm not bitter about not getting in. I was actually kind of relieved. After visiting several d-schools last summer, I realized I would be happier in another place. Thanks. :smuggrin:

Dex: If you feel comfortable at UF and like the school, by all means go for it. You seem like a hard worker and dedicated student. I'm sure you'll get in to your top school. Good luck :)
hey guys, i'm in a similar situation as a few of u guys. i got waitlisted at uf and accepted and nova (#2 choice) and a few other places. while if i get off the waitlist at UF, i'll more than likely go to UF just because of the tuition, i'm much more looking forward to going to NOVA. however, i just cant justify spending twice the tuition at nova. i know ppl will say that you'll pay it off eventually and go wherever u want to, i think thats a bunch of bologne. go where it is cheaper, u'll end up much happier in 10 years. cuz either way your going to be a good dentist, but without the debt. my only thing is that i'm also going to apply to the NHSC scholarship. if i get that i would definately rather go to nova than to UF. no question about it. but they dont tell you if you get it until like july or august. i'm worried about getting off the waitlist at uf in april or may, going there, and then getting the scholarship. i would kick myself then. hah, so moral of the story, GO WHERE ITS CHEAPER!!!

good luck
The NHSC scholarship sounds like a plan. Even if you don't get it during the time you are in d-school, you could do their tuition reimbersment plan. Just pay d-school with loans in the mean time. The number of years you want reimbursed = the number of years you have to work for them.
I just paid my deposit to attend UF Dental this Fall. I had a pleasant interview with Dr. Sposetti and her colleagues. I admit the facility was a bit of a "dungeon". I talked to several first years and all had good things to say about the program. I'm sure as it gets more clinical and you have a hard time getting chair time and patients, your perspective of the program changes.
I am also of the position that the almost 1/3 cost of tuition compared to NOVA and other schools is worth the little bit of hassle in the clinical years. UF has a great record of achievement on the National and Florida Board Exams. I also know several dentists who graduated from UF who are very proficient, talented, and speak well of the school.
Hopefully a dedicated student who is commited to education, will make the experience what they need it to be to be a great, successsful dentist.
UF Class of 2009
Sarasota, FL
well said, hona
How much does the NHSC scholarship cover, and is it based on need or merit? I went to Nova's open house this past semester and fell in love with the school. All of the students were super nice and talked about how good of a learning environment it is there because they help each other out instead of competing. I agree with everyone though it is hard to justify 2X the tuition compared to UF.
hey, na its not based on need i believe. im pretty sure its based on grades and also on how much they think u'll stay in that underserved area. u can show them this at ur interview, ur personal statement, and also ur volunteering activities. and the scholarship covers all tuition and expenses plus gives u a $1000/month stipend. good luck

btw, has anybody recieved the application yet??

Does anyone know when the UF committee is meeting and/or calling about second round acceptances?
Wolfpackgrl said:
Does anyone know when the UF committee is meeting and/or calling about second round acceptances?

When I had my interview in the end of November, Dr. Sposetti said that second round notices would start just after Jan 14.(when the first round had to give their replies). Should be happening soon.
Good Luck,