UF Rocks!

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Doctora Foxy

7+ Year Member
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Jan 29, 2002
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It really does. :) This has to be the best med school.

GO GATORS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Canes where u at chica? We're gonna kick some cane a$$! :laugh:

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*Canes shakes her head at Foxy and thinks to herself "poor Foxy has finally lost it...I guess the formaldehyde killed one too many brain cells"*

UM med school is #1!!!!!!:clap: :clap:

The Hurricanes will absolutely wipe the floor with your Gators.

Girl, you best not be dissing my Canes or I'll have to go up to Gainesville and wipe the floor with your face!:mad: :p

Anyway, I'm just chilling right now. I finished taking two exams today and I am beat. But, hey, at least I kicked a$$ on them. :D

So, how is UF? You coping better with Anatomy? :)
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Originally posted by CANES2006
*Canes shakes her head at Foxy and thinks to herself "poor Foxy has finally lost it...I guess the formaldehyde killed one too many brain cells"*

UM med school is #1!!!!!!:clap: :clap:

Wow, thanks Canes. That's pretty neat that even University of Miami students think that UM, or University of Maryland is number 1.
I don't want to spoil your party people, but the best medical school is Harvard. Everybody wants to be one with Crimson. I'm absolutely certain that if given the chance, you would all ditch your schools for Harvard.:D :mad: :D
Originally posted by monster2
I don't want to spoil your party people, but the best medical school is Harvard. Everybody wants to be one with Crimson. I'm absolutely certain that if given the chance, you would all ditch your schools for Harvard.:D :mad: :D

Wrong again. No suprise there.
Originally posted by ckent

Wow, thanks Canes. That's pretty neat that even University of Miami students think that UM, or University of Maryland is number 1.

You silly goose.;) I meant University of Miami, and you know it. :p

Hey! I hit post #700!!! *Canes does a little dance around the computer*:D
Originally posted by monster2
I don't want to spoil your party people, but the best medical school is Harvard. Everybody wants to be one with Crimson. I'm absolutely certain that if given the chance, you would all ditch your schools for Harvard.:D :mad: :D

Nope. You are way wrong in my case. I've wanted to go to University of Miami medical school since I decided I wanted to become a doctor. I would have ditched any top ten school (including Harvard) for UMiami. Besides, I want to do my residency and practice here, so this school is ideal for me.:)
USC better than anything I could have imagined.

Los Angeles girls are beautiful. The sun is good to the ladies of my class :) :D

The faculty is great.
My classmates are very cool and nice people.
The curriculum is diverse, fun, and interesting.
I cannot ask for anything better!

(Three weeks in, these are my impressions so far) :)
Gross anatomy and we start seeing patients next week! woohoohoo! :)
What color is the sky?

Carolina blue, baby.

'nuff said.
You silly Floridians need to look North for the good med schools. I was impressed with UF/Miami... until I interviewed at out of state schools. Besides, it's too hot down there. It was 88 for my "Winter" interview at Miami a couple years back.
Whoa, I didn't mean for this thread to be a competition......I'm just very happy at my school :)

And GCS:3, I interviewed at several out of state schools and UF was definitely my top choice out of those. The people here are just happier and nicer than at the other schools I visited. It's like there was no act on my interview day.....it turned out to be real! :) People are cooperative, friendly, and crazy smart. It's good. :cool:

and the guys are hot ;)
and the guys are hot
I guess we all have priorities. ;) In all seriousness, Doctora Foxy, If you wanted to stay in-state, I think you made the right choice with UF. They're almost as computer-friendly as USF (Miami is downright archaic), and you won't have the accreditation issues of FSU. My big problems with UF were Gainesville itself (too small), and the profs seemed to have some misconception that the Earth revolved around UF. Shands is pretty nice, though, much better than Jackson in Miami. Have fun in the Swamp!
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Originally posted by GCS:3

I guess we all have priorities. ;) In all seriousness, Doctora Foxy, If you wanted to stay in-state, I think you made the right choice with UF. They're almost as computer-friendly as USF (Miami is downright archaic), and you won't have the accreditation issues of FSU. My big problems with UF were Gainesville itself (too small), and the profs seemed to have some misconception that the Earth revolved around UF. Shands is pretty nice, though, much better than Jackson in Miami. Have fun in the Swamp!

Dude, are you smoking it? Shands is a good hospital no doubt. But, to say it's better than Jackson is just plain crazy. I could understand that Shands is in a safer and nicer community, but the clinical experience at Jackson surpasses that of Shand's. Ask any resident or attending and they won't tell you any different.
I do not doubt the clinical exposure at Jackson is better. My statement was made in the context of "nicer", meaning aesthetically pleasing. The tour of Jackson we went on revealed a dirty, underfunded urban hospital (quite typical, actually, and what I now work in daily here in Montreal). Shands was newer, cleaner, and obviously more appropriately funded. A big selling point that Miami always brings up is that the patient volume at Jackson is surpassed in the Southeast only by Cook County in Atlanta. Interestingly, the EM residents at McGill go to Jackson for their trauma training, because there aren't enough guns and knives on Canadian streets.
Originally posted by GCS:3
Interestingly, the EM residents at McGill go to Jackson for their trauma training, because there aren't enough guns and knives on Canadian streets.
LOL :laugh: :laugh: So true...... So true......
Originally posted by Hero

Los Angeles girls are beautiful. The sun is good to the ladies of my class :) :D

Nailed that one. One of the reasons I couldn't leave LA.

My classmates are very cool and nice people.

Thanks ;)
Originally posted by GCS:3
Interestingly, the EM residents at McGill go to Jackson for their trauma training, because there aren't enough guns and knives on Canadian streets.

Man...Miami sure gets a bum wrap in this country. Some of you guys make it seem that we wear bullet proof vests and walk around armed all day.:rolleyes:

*Canes quickly makes sure her gun is fully loaded*

I am so happy for you that you are enjoying med school; you totally deserve it! Just remember that once Anatomy is over it is totally possible to have a life again:) On my end, the second year at Tufts is going well. We switched to the block curriculum this year where we have classes from 8-12:15 each day (except on PBL and selective days 2x a week) and take only 3-4 classes at a time instead of the ridiculous 6-8 from last year. I really like the new system even though I don't like getting up early. The first 2 exams were killer, but it should be all uphill from here.. I love my new apt (a renovated studio in Fenway), and have gotten to know one of my classmates that lives in my neighborhood that I didn't know last year. He is a great person (just got engaged and I'm very happy for him and his wife-to-be) and always cheers me up on our T rides together:) Tufts ain't Harvard or JHU to say the least, but I am very happy to have chosen to attend here.
I hate to break it to you guys, but you're all wrong. UCLA is BY FAR THE BEST MED SCHOOL! I mean, aside from the $200 million we just got from David Geffen, and the billion dollar hospital they are building from scratch, you can't beat the location. We're surrounded by Beverly Hills, Bel Air, and Santa Monica. Come on, how can you compete with that?
Ha ha ha, this thread is hilarious. You are all in denial. The best school is Harvard, and I don't care what angle or spin you make out of this issue. You come to Countaway Library and you tell me which school has the most comprehensive medical resources in the world. See how Vanderbilt housing dwarfs the competition. What other school can boast an orientation that includes hiking and field trips? What school started case-based learning in medicine?

I'd consider UCSF as an attractive choice, only because California residents who get accepted there pay nothing for a prestigious school. Still, anyone in the world will instantly be impressed if you have a Harvard education.
Originally posted by monster2
Ha ha ha, this thread is hilarious. You are all in denial. The best school is Harvard, and I don't care what angle or spin you make out of this issue. You come to Countaway Library and you tell me which school has the most comprehensive medical resources in the world. See how Vanderbilt housing dwarfs the competition. What other school can boast an orientation that includes hiking and field trips? What school started case-based learning in medicine?

I'd consider UCSF as an attractive choice, only because California residents who get accepted there pay nothing for a prestigious school. Still, anyone in the world will instantly be impressed if you have a Harvard education.

fascinating how I have a hunch that monster2 is the very same person (bobmarley77 in disguise) that is really hoping to get into his super-prestigious state school, LSU-NO. Um, coming out of most schools in the state of Louisiana, you had better have 3.8+ GPA and 37+ MCAT to have a shot at Harvard and Vandy..
Originally posted by monster2
Ha ha ha, this thread is hilarious. You are all in denial. The best school is Harvard, and I don't care what angle or spin you make out of this issue. You come to Countaway Library and you tell me which school has the most comprehensive medical resources in the world. See how Vanderbilt housing dwarfs the competition. What other school can boast an orientation that includes hiking and field trips? What school started case-based learning in medicine?

I'd consider UCSF as an attractive choice, only because California residents who get accepted there pay nothing for a prestigious school. Still, anyone in the world will instantly be impressed if you have a Harvard education.

Why are you so overtly defensive about Harvard? Of course, we all know it is the number one medical school. The posters in this thread are just expressing their excitement about their schools. They are not saying Harvard isn't the best. Relax a little bit dude. Are you a Harvard medical school student or just a wannabe?
Originally posted by Cambrian
Why are you so overtly defensive about Harvard? Of course, we all know it is the number one medical school. The posters in this thread are just expressing their excitement about their schools. They are not saying Harvard isn't the best. Relax a little bit dude. Are you a Harvard medical school student or just a wannabe?

no, monster2 is not even a med student, just a disgruntled, whiny repeat applicant from the classy state of Louisiana (which I found out today only manages to vaccinate 60-69% of children while the other Southern states vaccinate 80%+ LA is the worst state in the country for immunization programs by far, and yes, I learned this in my population medicine class today, not on Springer or something). He poses as bobmarley77 on here as well and supposedly has a 12 on the verbal section, and of course his super-eloquent writing on this board proves this.
Originally posted by Cambrian
The posters in this thread are just expressing their excitement about their schools. They are not saying Harvard isn't the best.

Exactly. I can honestly say that I'm happier here than I would be anywhere, including Harvard with the crappy weather and gunners ;). Yes I would have liked to go to Harvard, but I'm a happier person at UFCOM. :) This is definitely the best school for me.
Originally posted by Doctora Foxy
Exactly. I can honestly say that I'm happier here than I would be anywhere, including Harvard with the crappy weather and gunners ;). Yes I would have liked to go to Harvard, but I'm a happier person at UFCOM. :) This is definitely the best school for me.

Ditto on what Foxy said except insert the University of Miami for UF in my case. The weather up north just sucks. I am definitely happier here in Miami with the sun. :cool: Sunlight just makes me happier than the muggy, dark weather up north. Plus my ENTIRE family is here at Miami. So, UMiami is the best school for me. :)
Originally posted by monster2
Ha ha ha, this thread is hilarious. You are all in denial. The best school is Harvard, and I don't care what angle or spin you make out of this issue. You come to Countaway Library and you tell me which school has the most comprehensive medical resources in the world. See how Vanderbilt housing dwarfs the competition. What other school can boast an orientation that includes hiking and field trips? What school started case-based learning in medicine?

I'd consider UCSF as an attractive choice, only because California residents who get accepted there pay nothing for a prestigious school. Still, anyone in the world will instantly be impressed if you have a Harvard education.

Like I said earlier bro...you need a hug.
Originally posted by Dr. Will
Like I said earlier bro...you need a hug.

...or a punch/slap to knock some sense into you.:p
UF doesn't rock so much this week. Between 8-5 class and group meetings, I don't have any time to study or sleep or even eat dinner. :( Where's my weekend?
Originally posted by Katie
no, monster2 is not even a med student, just a disgruntled, whiny repeat applicant from the classy state of Louisiana

Hey. Lay off the whiny repeat applicants. I may not be good enough for 13 medical schools, but my mommy loves me; that's what really counts.
Los Angeles girls are hot. :D

I am happy :D :) :D :)
but my mommy loves me; that's what really counts.

Good for you! You have ONE person in this world who loves you, shamthis.:p ;)
GO GATORS!!!!!!!


Kick some Miami behind!!!! :clap: :clap: :clap:
I'd kill to be at that game. Back in my FSU days the in-state rivalry games were the best! Miami fans were always NUTS! Made the games fun, no matter who won. Gotta give them props for that. Go 'Canes!
Originally posted by GCS:3
I'd kill to be at that game. Back in my FSU days the in-state rivalry games were the best! Miami fans were always NUTS! Made the games fun, no matter who won. Gotta give them props for that. Go 'Canes!

Yeah, my MOM is going to the game today! :eek:

You going Doctora Foxy?
future md, your pm box is full. I tried replying back to you, but it wouldn't let me.
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Originally posted by shamthis
Hey. Lay off the whiny repeat applicants. I may not be good enough for 13 medical schools, but my mommy loves me; that's what really counts.

hey, no offense meant, I too had to apply twice before I got in, and had to wait around on 6 waitlists before they took me. I was just trying to prove the point that monster2 has no qualifications on here whatsoever to discuss the merits of med schools like Hah-vad and Vandy since to the best of my knowledge he has yet to receive an interview. There is most definitely a difference between people like you and me from solid undergrad schools who had to apply a few times who just ran into bad luck and a tool like monster2/bobmarley77. good luck to you, and worry not, my neighbor/classmate had to apply 3 times before he got in, and he is doing fine and even just got engaged to his long-time girlfriend (OK, I know that info wasn't explicitly necessary and that some very touchy people may think I'm rubbing it in their face, but whatever..).

Oh, yeah, many props to the block curriculum at Tufts, I LOVE coming home at 1 pm every day. Oh yeah, I also love our H/P/F system (and would love P/F just as much), no gunners here (or at least none that are too obvious about it..)
Must you continue to be hardheaded? I'm not Bobmarley, and I'm not alking about Vandy... I was referring to Vanderbilt dorms, the dorms for Harvard medical students. Of course, it's far superior than the worn down crap you have at Tufts. It's such a delight to see you glorify Tufts when there are SO MANY NEGATIVE Things at Tufts. For one, the tuition is painfully expensive. Next, there is little to no institutional aid provided. The Sackler building pales in comparison to high level research facilities in Longwood. Heck, even BioSquare is more impressive. Don't even mention the rundown buildings that house your anatomy labs. Plus, the neighborhood is very unsafe. I've been told that prostitution and porn shops lurk around Chinatown.

Originally posted by Katie
hey, no offense meant, I too had to apply twice before I got in, and had to wait around on 6 waitlists before they took me. I was just trying to prove the point that monster2 has no qualifications on here whatsoever to discuss the merits of med schools like Hah-vad and Vandy since to the best of my knowledge he has yet to receive an interview. There is most definitely a difference between people like you and me from solid undergrad schools who had to apply a few times who just ran into bad luck and a tool like monster2/bobmarley77. good luck to you, and worry not, my neighbor/classmate had to apply 3 times before he got in, and he is doing fine and even just got engaged to his long-time girlfriend (OK, I know that info wasn't explicitly necessary and that some very touchy people may think I'm rubbing it in their face, but whatever..).

Oh, yeah, many props to the block curriculum at Tufts, I LOVE coming home at 1 pm every day. Oh yeah, I also love our H/P/F system (and would love P/F just as much), no gunners here (or at least none that are too obvious about it..)
OMG, what's wrong with you? Tufts is a top school and well-respected. Who cares about petty things like dorms.....tufts offers a fine education in a great city, and that's what's important. What do you have against it? Did their undergrad reject you?

Originally posted by monster2
Must you continue to be hardheaded? I'm not Bobmarley, and I'm not alking about Vandy... I was referring to Vanderbilt dorms, the dorms for Harvard medical students. Of course, it's far superior than the worn down crap you have at Tufts. It's such a delight to see you glorify Tufts when there are SO MANY NEGATIVE Things at Tufts. For one, the tuition is painfully expensive. Next, there is little to no institutional aid provided. The Sackler building pales in comparison to high level research facilities in Longwood. Heck, even BioSquare is more impressive. Don't even mention the rundown buildings that house your anatomy labs. Plus, the neighborhood is very unsafe. I've been told that prostitution and porn shops lurk around Chinatown.
Originally posted by monster2
Must you continue to be hardheaded? I'm not Bobmarley, and I'm not alking about Vandy... I was referring to Vanderbilt dorms, the dorms for Harvard medical students. Of course, it's far superior than the worn down crap you have at Tufts. It's such a delight to see you glorify Tufts when there are SO MANY NEGATIVE Things at Tufts. For one, the tuition is painfully expensive. Next, there is little to no institutional aid provided. The Sackler building pales in comparison to high level research facilities in Longwood. Heck, even BioSquare is more impressive. Don't even mention the rundown buildings that house your anatomy labs. Plus, the neighborhood is very unsafe. I've been told that prostitution and porn shops lurk around Chinatown.

wow, this is the first time you have admitted to not being bobmarley, maybe I should believe you but I'm not sure. Oh, yeah, the tuition is painfully expensive and provides little in the way of scholarship money, but this is true of nearly EVERY private school in the country, and no denying it (although at least TUSM is honest, most schools try to cover up the cost on interview day and laugh off students' concerns). It is true that some of the upper-crust private schools in the country are better about providing aid, but unless you are a URM with 3.5+,30+ or have ridiculously high stats you can forget about getting any kind of assistance to go to such schools. Also, you completely misread my post. At NO time did I ever state on SDN that Tufts is superior to Harvard or JHU, etc. In fact, I have fully acknowledged (many times) that Tufts is NOT at the same caliber as these schools. And I have admitted numerous times that Tufts is definitely not in the greatest neighborhood, but it is far from the worst neighborhood in Boston and is just fine in the daytime as far as safety. BU is in an even worse neighborhood, and I have been told that the students are very unhappy and competitive, and have relatively little clinical exposure in the first year. If this is the atmosphere you crave, along with super basic research facilities (which I and the vast majority of my classmates don't particularly give a **** about) , then by all means go ahead and bash Tufts. But the fact that you have yet to be invited for an interview (in fact, it doesn't even seem that you've applied based on other posts) makes me think that you would be f***ing lucky to get an interview at ANY allopathic school. Also, no need to pick on Foxy and barb, UCLA and UF are very respectable schools (yes, both better than Tufts, are you happy? It seems that you need a little joy in your life since the only thing that seems to make you happy is bashing others on SDN). I dare you to tell your patients who are happy with where they live and how many children they have even though they are really poor that they are pathetic and shouldn't be happy. It would be quite fun to see you say some of the same $#-+ you peddle on here to patients and watch how long it takes for you to get a nice grade of 'Low Pass' on your third and fourth year rotations.. anyway, this is a waste of my time, and I apologize for wasting the time of others (except monster2); I just wanted to set the record straight for others who may have misinterpreted statements I made about Tufts. monster2, I honestly will no longer respond to your garbage on here, cause I think it actually excites you and it is impossible to talk sense into a troll.
Originally posted by Doctora Foxy
OMG, what's wrong with you? Tufts is a top school and well-respected. Who cares about petty things like dorms.....tufts offers a fine education in a great city, and that's what's important. What do you have against it? Did their undergrad reject you?

THANK YOU! finally some sense and maturity on this board! and thank you also for bringing up the TUSM dorm, as a former resident of the dorm I admit that it is completely crappy, but students at Tufts are in no way required to live in the dorm (the vast majority do not). sorry about the UF loss today Foxy, I feel your pain as my former undergrad used to get severely kicked in the pants by Duke in basketball (amazing how things change!:D ). but, I fully acknowledge UMCP's embarrassing performance against the Gators too in the Orange Bowl last January:) damn, I need to go to bed, it's getting past my bedtime..;)
Originally posted by DrMom
I have found these threads more enjoyable once initiated my ignore list by adding monster2.

done. good suggestion, thanks!:)
I might have offended some of you, but I must swear to the gods that this fool Katie is such a big hypocrite. You were the one who started all this accusing that I was some old enemy to you or some repeat applicant, whatever. You know what, I don't know who you are, but I could care less. You are definitely in the wrong here, and it's truly unfortunate that some medical school decided to accept a leech like you.
What is wrong with you??? What are you trying to prove?? Even though this doesn't need to be said since it is understood here, Katie has been one of the most supportive, respected, helpful, and knowledeable members here on SDN. Take a look in the mirror buddy.
As for UF vs UM.

I think the consensus is that Jackson has better overall clinical training.

The real question is, how much is that worth to you?

Thousands in extra tuition per year? I dont think so.
this thread has taken some interesting turns :rolleyes:

back to anatomy
I stumbled on this thread because I am a MS-4 who is searching out Florida programs for residency and was interested to hear what students thought of it there. Both UF/Shands and U. Miami/Jackson M. have a respectable reputation; if I was a Florida resident when I applied to medical school or was interested in going to a private school, both would have been high on my list.

Just gotta throw my good word for state schools in here. Having completed all but the last 7 months of medical school, USMLE Step 1, 2, ERAS, and a few electives at other institutions, I have found that medical knowledge and experience is not profoundly different whether you come from Ivy League or Alabama (and proud of it!) At my small school, our classes annually average ~5 points above the mean on USMLE Step 1 and many of us achieved scores in the 230+ range. Although some people "settle" on state schools because they did not get into private/better-known ones, many of us actually only wanted to come here. That was my case; I really did have a MCAT score in the mid-30's and a 3.7 GPA, but I was 21 years old, didn't have much money, and the idea of being $300,000 in debt to a place like Harvard or Vandy scared me; so I looked for an accredited state program with good hands-on experience. I applied early decision back in the day, so this was my one-and-only application.

No doubt that places like Harvard will always carry esteem on name alone in the medical and outside world and that research opportunities and facilities may be more extensive. On the other hand, I have completed some rotations at "bigger-named" places over the last few months, and from working with PGY-1's who completed medical school in a variety of the prestigious (a.k.a Duke, Vandy) institutions, there really is no difference in the way they approach medicine, their clinical expertise, etc., than where I am from. That said, if you are interested in prestige, good-funding, research, private may be the way to go. However, you can match very well even if you are from less well-known places- you will find that if you take advantage of the resources given to you, you can obtain quite a fine education whether you are from Mobile, Florida, Cali., or Boston.

Originally posted by 2003doc
I stumbled on this thread because I am a MS-4 who is searching out Florida programs for residency and was interested to hear what students thought of it there. Both UF/Shands and U. Miami/Jackson M. have a respectable reputation; if I was a Florida resident when I applied to medical school or was interested in going to a private school, both would have been high on my list.

Just gotta throw my good word for state schools in here. Having completed all but the last 7 months of medical school, USMLE Step 1, 2, ERAS, and a few electives at other institutions, I have found that medical knowledge and experience is not profoundly different whether you come from Ivy League or Alabama (and proud of it!) At my small school, our classes annually average ~5 points above the mean on USMLE Step 1 and many of us achieved scores in the 230+ range. Although some people "settle" on state schools because they did not get into private/better-known ones, many of us actually only wanted to come here. That was my case; I really did have a MCAT score in the mid-30's and a 3.7 GPA, but I was 21 years old, didn't have much money, and the idea of being $300,000 in debt to a place like Harvard or Vandy scared me; so I looked for an accredited state program with good hands-on experience. I applied early decision back in the day, so this was my one-and-only application.

No doubt that places like Harvard will always carry esteem on name alone in the medical and outside world and that research opportunities and facilities may be more extensive. On the other hand, I have completed some rotations at "bigger-named" places over the last few months, and from working with PGY-1's who completed medical school in a variety of the prestigious (a.k.a Duke, Vandy) institutions, there really is no difference in the way they approach medicine, their clinical expertise, etc., than where I am from. That said, if you are interested in prestige, good-funding, research, private may be the way to go. However, you can match very well even if you are from less well-known places- you will find that if you take advantage of the resources given to you, you can obtain quite a fine education whether you are from Mobile, Florida, Cali., or Boston.


Well said, well said. :)