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Mar 17, 2021
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Hi everyone.

I am having a very difficult time choosing between UMSL and CCO. Both programs really impressed me with the virtual interview day. In fact, UMSL impressed me so much they went from being my last back up application to one of my top choices.

I really like both schools, and I'm not sure location is what is holding me back. I think both schools likely have beautiful facilities even with UMSL being in a older building.

Does anyone have any insight they can provide about choosing a school or about these two in particular? I am happy to answer any additional questions if you need more info.

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Hi everyone.

I am having a very difficult time choosing between UMSL and CCO. Both programs really impressed me with the virtual interview day. In fact, UMSL impressed me so much they went from being my last back up application to one of my top choices.

I really like both schools, and I'm not sure location is what is holding me back. I think both schools likely have beautiful facilities even with UMSL being in a older building.

Does anyone have any insight they can provide about choosing a school or about these two in particular? I am happy to answer any additional questions if you need more info.

I was accepted to both schools and also had a tough time choosing. Both schools made me feel welcome and comfortable. In the end I chose where I would save the most money.

Equipment and labs at UMSL were not as abundant as CCO’s campus labs, but UMSL even told me at my interview that what they lack in equipment they make up for in experience with faculty, in the classroom and at their clinic, and they truly do have a great track record when it comes to that. They had just opened up their new clinic and I was very impressed.

CCO being a newer school looked very impressive and modern. They had more than enough space and equipment for students to utilize and I liked the fact that they also had older/outdated equipment purchased too so they could better prepare their students who would be rotating through different types of clinics 4th year, both new and old.

I won’t say where I chose because I think that should be your decision. But you’ll have ups and downs, and you’ll be equipped to be a great doctor in the end no matter what.
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I was accepted to both schools and also had a tough time choosing. Both schools made me feel welcome and comfortable. In the end I chose where I would save the most money.

Equipment and labs at UMSL were not as abundant as CCO’s campus labs, but UMSL even told me at my interview that what they lack in equipment they make up for in experience with faculty, in the classroom and at their clinic, and they truly do have a great track record when it comes to that. They had just opened up their new clinic and I was very impressed.

CCO being a newer school looked very impressive and modern. They had more than enough space and equipment for students to utilize and I liked the fact that they also had older/outdated equipment purchased too so they could better prepare their students who would be rotating through different types of clinics 4th year, both new and old.

I won’t say where I chose because I think that should be your decision. But you’ll have ups and downs, and you’ll be equipped to be a great doctor in the end no matter what.
Thank you so much for your response! I really appreciate it
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