*UNC Dental Applying 2011*

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Do they usually call the morning after meeting or should everyone who was accepted have heard by now? Soooo anxious......

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I am in!! Super excited. I got the call around 2 this afternoon. I am instate and my last name starts with S.
Does anyone know what time the calls with start this morning?
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Called Carolyn at admissions to ask again if they were still making calls..

I was told that the committee could still be making calls, but she does not have an update on how many or when the calls will be finished.
Still have heard nothing...... Does this mean a rejection.......?
I haven't heard anything so far so I'm assuming rejection. Oh well fellas, congrats to those who made it!
I think that whoever coined the term "no news is good news" never applied to dental school! Still, until you've got your rejection in hand there's still a chance.
I called Carolyn about 30 minutes ago and I was told they are not done making decisions/calls yet. I guess we can all hold onto a glimmer of hope a little longer. Or start on our PS revisions and DAT preparations for next year lol...
Anyone know if they're completely done with acceptances for now?
Any possibility I could be in and still not have heard anything by now?
I just talked to a woman in the admissions office and she said she is pretty sure that they are not done calling people yet....Idk why it's taking them so long but I guess it still gives some of us a small ray of hope
I just talked to a woman in the admissions office and she said she is pretty sure that they are not done calling people yet....Idk why it's taking them so long but I guess it still gives some of us a small ray of hope

Disclaimer: this is pure speculation based only off my experience from the past two cycles, so please take with a grain of salt:
Not sure the verbage that was used in your convo with her, but just from what you are saying and what's been said on this thread from others who have called and heard similar things, I would take this to mean that they have gone ahead and offered all the spots at this time and that they are now waiting on responses from the second round of offered applicants. I would expect after the deadline for these folks to put a deposit down (probably a month/month and a half or so?), there will be another day of some limited action, and then a few more random calls throughout the spring to fill spots on a rolling basis as they open until all spots are finalized. More completely pure speculation: I would guess they offered maybe 60-70% of the spots Dec 1st anticipating that they would fill half of the class with those offers. I'd guess that left roughly 40 spots (out of a class of 81) for the Feb notification day. Out of those maybe 6-8 (maybe more?) or so of those will not accept the offer, so I'd guess those are the spots that will be available on the coming months. That's why I'd guess they are being so ambiguous about telling anyone if they are done with calls--they probably are for now but in all likelihood are not done for good. That being said, it's getting late in the game and spots are limited.

I know exactly how it feels having played the waiting game (and being rejected) myself last cycle, and I know it's really tough. Ya'll just hang in there and dont give up on it and it will pay off. Feel free to PM me if anyone has any specific questions or wants advice on what to do in a gap year. I had plenty of people help me out, and I'm always'more than happy to return the favor! Best of luck to everyone.
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AADSAS rejection today. :(

oh well. time to finish this MS and apply next year

AADSAS rejection for me too! Good luck to everyone who also got rejected.
Does anyone know if UNC will give us feedback as to why we might have been rejected? It would be nice to know if there are some specific areas to improve.
Does anyone know if UNC will give us feedback as to why we might have been rejected? It would be nice to know if there are some specific areas to improve.

Generally speaking, the admissions office is usually quite open to speaking to applicants once the notifications have been sent out.
I am on the waitlist. It will be a long & painful game.
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Has anyone heard of someone being denied by UNC but accepted to an out of state school, turned down the out of state offer, then reapplied to UNC the next year and was accepted?
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