Im a bit confused.
Does it matter if you go to a well recognized school or will an ordinary school be fine?
If you take two years @ college (~70 credits) and another year to complete (20 credits) at a different univeristy and have a 3ish GPA, what are the chances of getting accepted ?
Should a BSc be pursued if one has a 3ish GPA after 90 credits ?
Does it even matter where you get your Bachelors from ?
If one recieved an F, on a course which was not a pre-requisite, then should he/she retake it ?
I noticed that ICO, does not care if you retake a course, i.e they will use the higher grade of the repeated course when calculating CGPA. If this is true then is it not better to retake 3-4 courses in which you did bad to raise your GPA, than to pursue a BSc ?
thanks alot
Im a bit confused.
Does it matter if you go to a well recognized school or will an ordinary school be fine?
If you take two years @ college (~70 credits) and another year to complete (20 credits) at a different univeristy and have a 3ish GPA, what are the chances of getting accepted ?
Should a BSc be pursued if one has a 3ish GPA after 90 credits ?
Does it even matter where you get your Bachelors from ?
If one recieved an F, on a course which was not a pre-requisite, then should he/she retake it ?
I noticed that ICO, does not care if you retake a course, i.e they will use the higher grade of the repeated course when calculating CGPA. If this is true then is it not better to retake 3-4 courses in which you did bad to raise your GPA, than to pursue a BSc ?
thanks alot