UNE vs Rowan-Virtua

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New Member
Mar 21, 2024
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Curious on people's thoughts about these two. My considerations at this point are more geographical and climatic than necessarily curricular. I do lean a bit more towards Rowan but truly wanted insight/hear your thoughts if you have any 🙂

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Rowan if it is not significantly more expensive. It is a state-supported school, but UNE is a fine school as well. Geography wise, you would have easy access to Philadelphia whether for entertainment or cultural needs. If you are not from the area, it does make it easier to fly out as well.
The poorly structured format for rotations at UNE would make me choose Rowan. You could end up in any of five different states and even then the hospitals you could rotate at when you matriculate may be different once you’re in M3. Knowing where you’re going to be for 3rd and 4th year is a great security. For example if you went to UNE and got NJ for your clinical rotations you’d be rotating all over NJ (from Red Bank to Paterson to small family practice) versus likely being able to stay in the Philly/Western and south NJ area at Rowan.

Otherwise they’re both very comparable schools in terms of matching and passing!