University of Cincinnati's Alternate List

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Oct 11, 2003
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I am on it. ;o

don't know what to think...just hope I get in.
did you receive an email saying "You are currently rated in a group of students the Committee is very much interested in"? and asking you to return a form to "be a part of the aternate list?l
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awww :) you are in the top..mine probably means i am in the middle third or bottom third ;(


so what school are you holding right now? Drexel? Albany? Finch?

did anyone else receive email from UCincy? Are you in "TOP of the list" or just "special group that they are interested"? Did anyone decline the offer to be in the alternate list?
MD2Be said:
my letter said, "you are currently rated in a special group of candidates who are at the top of our list and who are rated for an acceptance as soon as openings in the class occur..." this was in bold. my fingers are crossed.

I was on this "special group" of the alternate list at Cinci last year and I was eventually offered a spot, so being this is a good sign and they do traditionally have a fair amount of movement. Good luck!
did anyone else receive email from UCincy? Are you in "special TOP of the list" or just "a group that they are interested"? Did anyone decline the offer to be in the alternate list?
Mine said that "in a special group" thing. I said that I want to be on the alternate list, but if I get off of Loyola's list I'll take my name off Cinn.
MD2Be said:
do you happen to remember the date your acceptance was offered?

I think it was early June, sometime towards the end of the first week.
I received the email and am in the "top of the list" group. Does anyone know if they will tell you where you are in line to get in?
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if you guys get in from the alternate list, would you go?

i would :p
Has anyone else been "on hold" for several months??????? Would Cincy just tell me if they are going to accept/waitlist/decline me????? This is really frustrating!!
I was on hold for several months. Got the email from them to join alternate list last Friday. Unfortunately I wasn't invited to the special group (top of the list I assume). I was only invited to the 'group that they are interested'.

OH YAH, I am an out-of-state applicant. How about you guys?
Got an email on Friday offering a spot on the alternate list and it also said "you are currently in a group of students who are at the top of the list and who will be offered spots as soon as they open up." I am pretty optomistic about this.
W222 said:
Got an email on Friday offering a spot on the alternate list and it also said "you are currently in a group of students who are at the top of the list and who will be offered spots as soon as they open up." I am pretty optomistic about this.

are you in-state or out-of-state?

is there two waitlists? one for out of state one for instate?
I am an Ohio resident. I am not sure how many wait lists there are but I figure that they are letting people know roughly where they are based on the wait list offer letter they get. I posted what my email said above.
I am an Ohio resident....I don't know how much they weigh that for the alternate candidates. They seem pretty open to phone calls so I would think if you called to inquire more where you were on the list they would be able to give you some more info. If you replied via email did you get an email confirmation back?
I replied through email and checked the status page today and it confirmed that they received my email.
I am a out of stater who got the email that says, "You are currently rated in a special group of candidates who are at the top of our list and are rated for an acceptance as soon as openings in the class occur."
I am currently accepted at loyola and am going to cinci, hands down, if i get in off the list.. does anyone know if u can find out how many people are in this special group, or where u are in that group....
watchtower said:
does anyone know if u can find out how many people are in this special group, or where u are in that group....
Has anyone looked into this?
They will never tell you.

By the way, I was an out of stater last year when I got off the alternate list from that "special group." There was talk that they have a separate alternate list for OH residents and another for non-OH residents (source was people on SDN...look back to last years stuff on Cinci). I'm not sure how true that was, and the admissions office would not verify that with me either. I hated how secretive schools can get about admissions.....
anyone gotten of the waitlist yet??????????
MD2Be said:
Nope, not yet. I'm thinking that there will be no news until at least June 1. Alternates have until that date to reserve a place on the list. I'm guessing acceptances will be offered after the deadline... but who knows.

I am also in that "top" group of candidates. I called yesterday and they said they definitely wait until the 1st of June to get everyone's responses before they start handing out offers. She would not give me any info as to what portion of the list is considered the top or my chances for acceptance.

Good luck everyone! I hope to see you all in the fall!
Hey all, I know being on the waitlist is tough, but I have good news. I was accepted at UC, but recently declined my seat after I was accepted off the waitlist at my first-choice school. So, at least one person off the waitlist will be accepted. Good luck to all of you!!!
I'm currently finishing my first year at UC. I was out of state and received the same e-mail that you are all referring to. From my conversations with my classmates it seems that most of the out of state people here came off the waitlist. I don't know if there are more than one waitlist.

Hmmm what else....don't expect to hear anything until the end of the first week of June. I heard on June 12 or something like that last year.

I love UC and look forward to meeting some of you next year....esp. since that means I will be a second year :)

Back to studying....

got a huge envelope today from U Cincy today..was soooo excited. Opened it. I yelled!

it's just a financial aid package for people on the alternate list ;(

sigh..thanks for playing with my broken heart -_-
I got the financial aid package too. Not much fun for a school that I don't even know if I'm getting into or not. :confused:
has anyone called cinci since the june 1st waitlist-reply deadline????
Anyone hear anything yet?
Got in thursday the 3rd off the out-of-state alternate list!
jays04 said:
Got in thursday the 3rd off the out-of-state alternate list!

so there really are 2 lists eh?

what did your waitlist letter says? "you are in a special group that we will accept right away when a space open up?" or "we are interested in u"
I got the "special group" letter. I just assumed there were two lists though...she didn't actually say that there were. I just got that financial aid packet today too.
Thanks! They called me at about 7:30 in the morning. I saw the 513 area code on my phone and knew exactly what it was. Anyone else hear anything yet?
i thought that someone said in past years that alot of applicants have gotten in off the waitlist.. what is the deal here???????????????????
Called last week and all they said was that the list had been used. Wow, thanks!
Thought I'd post a few words of encouragement here...if recollection serves me correctly, it took about 10 days between each group of wait list acceptances. UC does not accept verbal acceptance of an offer so it takes about a week to complete the acceptance. Here's the general way it happens....

They call you to let you know you have a spot. They send you info via mail (I actually drove to the school and picked mine up so things moved a bit faster). That will take a couple of days. Then you get it, look at it think about it, ponder, scratch your head, celebrate, whatever....might take a couple days...and put it back in the mail. Takes another couple of days. So all in all over a week.

Continued luck to you all.....UC is an awesome school.

Stephanie M2 (doesn't that look nice)
University of Cincinnati Class of 2007
They really tell u nothing when u call. no matter how you phrase a "question" about the waitlist, they tell u nothing
Does anyone know what day UC starts?