University of Michigan Physiology SMP Stats?

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Jul 17, 2020
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Hey Guys!

Was wondering if anyone here attended or recently applied to the Physiology Program at University of Michigan. I'm thinking of applying there next year for SMP before applying for MD/DO. Does anyone also have any stats on the linkage? Is it known for them to offer admission into their medical school if you perform well enough in their program? Would appreciate any input!


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No official linkage. They have a strong representation of alumni in MD/DO programs across the country, though. UMich and other Michigan schools are well-aware of the program. Their website has a tracker for which schools their students have ended up. It is a rigorous program, but the faculty is extremely involved in the professional development of the students. It's a small class (<30) so you get all the benefits in that realm that you wouldn't get from a large SMP like Case, Gtown, etc. It certainly feels like they want to do the best by every student, and not admit a huge class just to milk the tuition dollars.
Does anyone know if it’s a competitive program to be accepted into? I’m also thinking about applying next year.
Hey I'm late to this thread, but I graduated from this program last year and am in this year's cycle if anyone wants to dm me!