University vs. Community Psychiatry Residency Programs?

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Dec 20, 2001
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i am currently a MS-IV, and i have been to several psychiatry residency interviews. as i narrow down my choices, i am trying to figure how much the "prestige" of one's residency program factors in upon getting a competetive psych fellowship. (i.e. will i have a tougher road if i choose a community program without much "prestige"?)

all things being equal, do you stand a better chance at getting a competetive psych fellowship if you come from a mid-tier university or a community-affiliated psych residency program?

NOTE: I am NOT interested in an academic or research-oriented career.

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Can anyone please give me the picture of moonlighting during psychiatry residency. what exactly is the situation.

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university for sure. you will see the worst cases at university programs and community programs will send patients to the university based programs. Furthermore, fellowship opportunities increase with those contacts. Finally, even if the name doesn't include a university name on a program, it does't mean that it isn't scholarly. If anything, its academic/university like in nature with strong research if it appears prestigous.
This previous answer probably refers to a different specialty. In psychiatry you will see the most difficult cases (involuntary committed) in community-based hospitals.

The issue of Community vs University hospital based residency program is not that important in psychiatry as in other specialties. Most, if not all, university programs are affiliated with community hospitals since the focus on community psychiatry has been very strong everywhere for many years. At the same time, almost all community hospitals are affiliated with a university (I believe the only remaining exception is St.Es in DC).

Whether this is relevant to your chances in getting the fellowship you want is hard to say. Probably not, but it really depends on what you want to do. Very few psychiatry fellowships are considered very competitive, mostly child psych programs.

Hope this helps...

Doctor Wyldstyle said:
university for sure. you will see the worst cases at university programs and community programs will send patients to the university based programs. Furthermore, fellowship opportunities increase with those contacts. Finally, even if the name doesn't include a university name on a program, it does't mean that it isn't scholarly. If anything, its academic/university like in nature with strong research if it appears prestigous.