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Dental Student
15+ Year Member
Apr 8, 2007
Reaction score
Hey everyone,

I tried to search this but didn't find much. What is a good score to have for PAT if I want to apply to this school? I have been reading they favor the DAT espescially PAT over GPA. My PAT is 20 but I'm wondering if this is too low. AA is 20, TS is 21.


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Guess I should have checked their website first 🙂

Academic average: 21
Perceptual ability: 21
Quantitative Reasoning: 20
Reading comprehension: 21
Biology: 21
General chemistry: 22
Organic chemistry: 22
Total science: 21

Incase anyone else needs to know.
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Hey guys!

I know you kinda found your answer already, but I'm from CA and know a lot of people who have gone through UOP or are currently in the program. My sister actually got a 18PAT and 20+AA and had to retake the entire thing because that was too low (but she's in her 3rd year of the UOP program now!). For you though a 20 should be fine since I'm pretty sure 20 is their cutoff for the PAT alone. Everything else though, unless you have a stellar GPA (ie 3.6+), as you found is going to need to be around the 21 range as well. Hope that was somewhat helpful for you guys!
umm...I have an 18 PAT and have an interview offer there.
It must be different for everyone. Thanks for sharing and congrats on all the interview invites. I hope to have a few bites like you this cycle.
umm...I have an 18 PAT and have an interview offer there.

I'm thinking your 3.8 GPA was able to balance that out...since my sister probably didn't have a 3.8 haha hence her retake but congrats gn4! Best of luck on your interview 🙂 and goodluck to you too ChristM07! Your DAT scores are above average for a lot of schools (and UOP is sure to take a good look at your application too) so keep that chin up!
Thanks. Good luck to you guys as well. You will all be alright this cycle. Only takes 1 school to fulfill our dreams.