UoP website

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15+ Year Member
Aug 31, 2006
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Can anyone get into the UoP website to check their application status? I can get up to the point where I need to put in my login info and then it craps out.

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Can anyone get into the UoP website to check their application status? I can get up to the point where I need to put in my login info and then it craps out.

Didnt you open the exact same thread asking the exact same question like...yesterday? anyway, the web page is still down.
No yesterday I couldnt even get into the UoP website now I just cant log in. Theres a difference:oops:
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No yesterday I couldnt even get into the UoP website now I just cant log in. Theres a difference:oops:

haha, fair enough. anyway, i called UOP and they said the site is down until the end of the week. also, are you under review at UOP? bc if you are, then your status on the website will no longer change. if you get an interview, it will be by phone.
Yeah Im at the file is under review please allow 4 to 8 weeks. My 8 weeks are up tomorrow
my 8 weeks were up 10 days ago
haha, fair enough. anyway, i called UOP and they said the site is down until the end of the week. also, are you under review at UOP? bc if you are, then your status on the website will no longer change. if you get an interview, it will be by phone.

what will be by phone? the invite or the interview?
hey should we call since the website is down?
I sent my letter of recs to uop with my addsas but they are not shown in their website? can you guys see your lor's on their webpage?
They take a long time to update (as everyone does). Call them to see if they are received.
i dun care about the website. I WANT THE PHONE CALL FROM UOP!!!
UoP = University of the Pacific

It's in San Francisco and is basically the only school that has a 3yr program vs. 4yrs. Great clinical program, student body and faculty!:D

My top choice :thumbup:
The website tells me Im not authorized to view my application page.
So i just tried to log into my UoP application site and this new screen popped up asking for my ID and password. Anyone know anything about this or what the ID and password are?

I know it seems like I check this stuff all the time but I am on a computer all day at work and it gets slow at times and I cant help it.
So i just tried to log into my UoP application site and this new screen popped up asking for my ID and password. Anyone know anything about this or what the ID and password are?

I know it seems like I check this stuff all the time but I am on a computer all day at work and it gets slow at times and I cant help it.

I would just give it time. Whatever happened (server crash/upgrade) it hasn't been fixed yet so perhaps the login info is just incorrectly being asked for.

I predict the moment Pacific's server goes back online they'll have a flurry of people checking leading to denial of service....and maybe another crash