Update on best board review book for Step II (2)

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Jan 16, 2013
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I know the general consensus in the past was to use MTB Step 2 for Internal Medicine and MTB Step 3 for all other subjects. Is that still the case? Also, can anyone explain why MTB Step 3 is better for the other subjects vs. just using MTB 2 for all subjects. It's just hard for me to wrap my head around using a Step 3 book for Step 2. Thanks!

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MTB 2 surgery section... is pretty much missing everything..... thats why they say use 3. I personally tried using MTB 2 for a week and i hate it, missing too much stuff. looking for a good second line
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I scored well on Step 2CK this year (march 2016). For reading purposes, I could recommend: MKSAPs "Board Basics" and of course UpToDate.

Good luck!
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I know the general consensus in the past was to use MTB Step 2 for Internal Medicine and MTB Step 3 for all other subjects. Is that still the case? Also, can anyone explain why MTB Step 3 is better for the other subjects vs. just using MTB 2 for all subjects. It's just hard for me to wrap my head around using a Step 3 book for Step 2. Thanks!

I don't take it until July, but from reading many posts, I think the general consensus was that MTB 3 has better basic science correlates for the other subjects which are fair game for the test.
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