I️ applied in the 2019-2020 cycle with cGPA: 3.69 and sGPA: 3.7, MCAT: 503 (my weak area). I️ have a lot of extracurricular experiences and community service (total hours I'm not sure but fortunately good enough that it was brought up during one of my 2 interview invites). I️ also had a year of working at a clinic and 8 months of working at a hospital as a lab tech. I️ have no formal research experience as I️ changed to a pre-med track later in my undergraduate years and never heard back for PIs I️ reached out to.
I️ applied to 22 schools last time, but some were bad options, since I️ did not realize the state bias of 4 of them. But, regardless, only received 2 II at non-FL schools (my state). I️ also submitted my secondaries late: October-Jan. I️ learned my lesson there.
Fast-forward a year: I️ did an SMP program in Florida at a well recognized program for simulating the first year and a half of med school. I'm doing very well. I️ have not re-taken the MCAT, but I️ was considering applying again with my new application while studying for the MCAT and worst case scenario re-applying again after. Since I️ am non-trad I️ do feel the clock ticking. Advice is welcomed. I'm willing to consider all insight.
Thank you!
I️ applied to 22 schools last time, but some were bad options, since I️ did not realize the state bias of 4 of them. But, regardless, only received 2 II at non-FL schools (my state). I️ also submitted my secondaries late: October-Jan. I️ learned my lesson there.
Fast-forward a year: I️ did an SMP program in Florida at a well recognized program for simulating the first year and a half of med school. I'm doing very well. I️ have not re-taken the MCAT, but I️ was considering applying again with my new application while studying for the MCAT and worst case scenario re-applying again after. Since I️ am non-trad I️ do feel the clock ticking. Advice is welcomed. I'm willing to consider all insight.
Thank you!