USA to Spain

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15+ Year Member
Apr 18, 2007
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Has anyone gone from the USA to study medicine in Spain? If so, please talk about it here. Any other input about coming to Spain from a non-EU nation would be greatly appretiated.


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Hey, this is kind of what I'm trying to do right now.

good website:
has a forum, but is not nearly as good as SDN 😉

Medicine in Spain is 6 years, right after high school. If you already have an undergrad degree that helps you get in, but probably won't shorten your study time. You apply with all the other high schoolers, and after you get in can try to see if your facultad will give you credit for your US studies.

You need to take the Selectividad (,674429&_dad=portal&_schema=PORTAL) in biology, chemistry, physics, spanish language, and one other science-y subject. if you've already taken US pre med classes you should be ok mas o menos.

I think residency is 3-4 yrs? and I haven't found a lot of good information about what it's like.

I don't think you're able to get becas (student grants) as a foreign student, so you'll need to take out bank loans, but the tuition is way more reasonable than in the states (appx 1000euro a year). or you could marry a spaniard, become an eu citizen, and then you should be ok i think 😉

also, the salary of a doctor in spain is average 60,000euro a year, among the lowest paid docs in europe. considering all the effort it would take to study medicine in a foreign language that's something to consider too.

other than that..... it seems to be a pretty complicated process, with LOTS of paperwork but that's a given. pero lo voy a intentar! 🙂

good luck 🙂
why do u guys want to go to study in spain knowing that there's a lot of doctors from spain trying to go to USA? since as far as I have heard they are far more paid in USA than in Spain, right?
Im asking this because Im a 5th year medical student in Bogotá-Colombia, I want to specialize abroad but I cant decide whether to go to Spain (My dream is to live in Europe) or USA (Better medicine, better training, more money) any suggestions or advices?
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You make less here but u also have good benefits....The US system is corrupt...They make too much...Over paid and its no longer human...Is it about the money or being a doctor..L.
Hey guys. I'm a canadian citizen who graduated from Spain. Currently applying for residency is canada (have taken all pertinent examinations in 1 yr) and also planning on taking the spanish exam in january. It's not all about the money. Personally think people live better in europe, regardless of their salaries. But that's just me. Also, my degree is valid all over europe. Once residency is done, I could work anywhere I speak the language (french/eng/spanish)
can I ask why did u go to spain to study medicine in the first place?
Is the process any different for someone with an IB diploma? I've tried researching UNED but it is mostly all in Catalan and I can barely understand it. 😕 Thanks!
I just finished graduating from Medical School out of the U.S. , and I can assure you that although Doctors in Spain earn less than the ones in the USA, you will have more chances to work as a Doctor in Spain. The ECFMG, who is the organization in charge of managing doctors from out of the U.S., has made it more difficult for IMG (International Medical Graduates) to start our dreams as Doctors. Not only they have raised the prices of the USMLE's, but now they have added that IMG must work for a term of 365 laboral days, within the U.S. Medical System (Medical assistant, Surgical Tech, Coding, ..etc), before you can apply for Medical Residency.; and depending on what State you would like to practice, You will be asked to take from USMLE USMLE 4.
If you are thinking of going to Spain, You are going to need several papers from your University, as well as from your Country's Medical Management Organization.
Once you get all the needed paperwork, you will need 150 to 175 Euros to "Collegiate" in the Province you want to work at (remember that if you change to a different Province, you must "collegiate" in the new Province again, but you will not need to do everything again).
If you are going to work as a General Practitioner Doctor, you will not need to Take the M.I.R. (which is the Equivalent to the USMLE's....but much...MUCH stronger - only those who want to Specialized need to take it)
and the reason it is so hard to pass that test is because, once you pass the M.I.R. , you will be able to work in any country that is a member of the European Union..but if your license is taken AWAY, for example, in wont be able to work as a Doctor anywhere in the European Union....Comparing to if you lost your Medical License in Texas, you still able to drive to another state, take the Medical Boards of that state, and continue to work as a Doctor without any worries, because everything that happened in the state you lost your license STAYS, in other words, you could be a Doctor 50 Times in the U.S.A. Versus 1 Time ONLY in the European Union.
And if you were thinking of challenging the Physicians Assistant Boards, so you can work while preparing for the USMLE's...THINK AGAIN...THEY WILL NOT ALLOW YOU TO DO SO...but the funny part is that you are able to work as a Physician Assistant (while you are an IMG) inside the U.S. Prison system. ...Interesting ah??
And just in case everyone thinks I'm just another foreign person that wants to take American jobs away...Guess again...I am AMERICAN
So...if you want to compare everything IMG's go through, to those graduated in the U.S.A. Let me show it to you:
To start U.S Medical Residency, need to have:

U.S. Medical Graduate: USMLE 1


International Medical Graduates : USMLE 1, USMLE 2 (CS &CK), 365 Laboral
days within the U.S. Medical System

*** Remember, some of us, IMG's, did a full Year of Internship - working as Doctors, before we graduated as Doctors....Something U.S. Medical Graduates don't do ***
The ECFMG, who is the organization in charge of managing doctors from out of the U.S., has made it more difficult for IMG (International Medical Graduates) to start our dreams as Doctors. Not only they have raised the prices of the USMLE's, but now they have added that IMG must work for a term of 365 laboral days, within the U.S. Medical System (Medical assistant, Surgical Tech, Coding, ..etc), before you can apply for Medical Residency.; and depending on what State you would like to practice, You will be asked to take from USMLE USMLE 4.
International Medical Graduates : USMLE 1, USMLE 2 (CS &CK), 365 Laboral
days within the U.S. Medical System

Any sources for this?
To start U.S Medical Residency, need to have:

U.S. Medical Graduate: USMLE 1


International Medical Graduates : USMLE 1, USMLE 2 (CS &CK), 365 Laboral
days within the U.S. Medical System

Diyidayfu would you please site your source/s? Those are very serious and conflicting claims. To my knowledge to work in US all of the candidates need to take USMLE 1 and 2(CK & CS), just the IMGs/FMGs need to have a record in a central organization named ECFMG and get certfied by it by taking USML steps, to avoid diversity in qualities of IMGs/FMGs because of the diversity of their schools/curricula. All everybody has to take all of those USMLE steps.

I am especially interested in that "mandatory 365 working day labour" part, may I ask, where did you learn it?
Salut! I am an American student without a bachelor's degree and am very interested in studying medicine in Spain!

  1. Which school has the best English Medical program
  2. Is it taught all in English?
  3. What are all the entry requirements for American students or Non EU students?
  4. Are there any scholarships offered to Non EU students?

If you can refer me to the best contact (preferably in English), that would be great,
Diyidayfu would you please site your source/s? Those are very serious and conflicting claims. To my knowledge to work in US all of the candidates need to take USMLE 1 and 2(CK & CS), just the IMGs/FMGs need to have a record in a central organization named ECFMG and get certfied by it by taking USML steps, to avoid diversity in qualities of IMGs/FMGs because of the diversity of their schools/curricula. All everybody has to take all of those USMLE steps.

I am especially interested in that "mandatory 365 working day labour" part, may I ask, where did you learn it?

you literally have to do it all again. It's not worth it and Diyidayfu is correct.