Use of Grammarly to ID spelling/grammar mistakes on ERAS application

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5+ Year Member
Oct 31, 2018
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Is it OK to use grammarly or similar services to help eliminate spelling and grammatical errors. I am not sure if that would get lumped in with chatGPT or that ERAS will identify my writing as being aided by AI.

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Why not? Word and other writing software also do spell and grammar checks… there is a difference between making sure what you wrote is correct vs letting chat bots write things for you…
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The paid one makes suggestions in terms of rephrasing (but these are moderate) and word use. It’s still far from what chat bots do imho.
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Sure. Word has a build it Microsoft version…

A much bigger topic, but frankly, AI is coming and it’s gonna be everywhere.

People who don’t adopt it are suckers and deserve to be left behind.
Nobody is going to check if your ERAS was aided by AI. They barely have time to read what you wrote, much less run it through an AI detector. And furthermore, even if the AI detector did flag something as being aided, I’m not sure I would hold that against anyone at this point. It’s not like that fundamentally changes your grades or step 2 score or publications. So I don’t think that information would be actionable anyways.
A much bigger topic, but frankly, AI is coming and it’s gonna be everywhere.

People who don’t adopt it are suckers and deserve to be left behind.

Love it or hate it, ethical qualms or not, ignoring AI would be like ignoring the world wide web in the early 90s.

Better to get on board than be left behind, and if you have personal issues with how AI is implemented or used it's better to be on the ground to help guide more ethical and equitable use
^ It's been 3 months and people are starting to get it. More than just ERAS is going to change, and it's going to change sooner rather than later.
Just a word of advice from a professional editor: go ahead and use Grammarly if you must but be sure to read it over afterward and make sure that your essay sounds like it was written by a human being.

I freelance for a company that requires its employees to use Grammarly and I spend half my life undoing mistakes that Grammarly has inserted. It's a poor program for grammar but it does a reasonable job at spell-checking.