USF (Core) vs Howard

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Jun 24, 2022
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Hi everyone. I never thought I would have options, but here I am by the grace of God. Please help 😭😭😭


Summary: I feel like I want to go to Howard, but the cons are really big. If Florida wasn't such a 💩💩💩💩hole, this decision would be much easier.

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*Disclaimer: I am currently PTE at USF*

You can't really underestimate the convenience of having your support system near you during med school. In addition, you would be saving more money, and going to a higher ranked school. In regards to the support, financial, and prestige, I think USF would be your best bet.

Ultimately, it comes down to how comfortable you will feel as a black woman in Florida. As a POC myself, I feel your conflict 100%. If I had any other options, I would also be seriously considering leaving the state. I suggest reaching out to the director of diversity and asking how the new legislation will impact your time at USF, and using that information to help make your decision.
Yeah, having your family so close by for support and a disability services office that you are confident in are pretty strong reasons for choosing USF, before even including the financial aspect. If you will need to have accommodations, it would be better to go to the school where it seems like it would be a seamless process.

6 weeks to find an apartment in DC before loans kick in is also very rough. The one option there is if one of your upperclassman friends happens to also be looking for a place at the same time.
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I think the support system, money, and better ranking is hard to beat.

Political landscape can change very soon. A few years later it may be very different. If state government encroach on your education, stand up to them. In 4 years you will have a great chance of matching elsewhere too, or maybe in 4 years some governor who shall remain unnamed has ended their career. You being in Florida or not for the next 4 years have no bearing on the political landscape there. Even if you are in DC, crazy things will keep happening. Just try to pay more attention to what matters more to you: your education.
Did you end up deciding? I know it’s really hard. I live in Florida and I am also a Black woman so I get what you mean about the political climate . I definitely think of you want to go to Howard you should but also understand the money aspect of USF
USF. Cons for USF are much more manageable and subjective, such as dating. As stated above, political landscapes shift constantly year by year, and nothing can be really done, however, I do know USF is a relatively diverse community of students and have great services provided to you as my friend does attend there.

It’s not worth being 100K more in-debt, rush the stressful moving process, and go back to a place that specifically traumatized you with their administration.