Using older step 1 books?

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Pagan FutureDoc

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7+ Year Member
Oct 28, 2015
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I'm just wondering if there is any advantage to using current step 1 books over ones from a couple years ago.
My wife still had all of her books from when she took it. Is the material that different from year to year? I don't mind spending money if it's nessisary but, if it's essentially the same I'd rather just use her stuff.

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I'm just wondering if there is any advantage to using current step 1 books over ones from a couple years ago.
You need the latest version of FA. There are so many updates and errata fixed from the older versions. Just so if you didn't know, every word in FA is high yield.
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I can't recommend it. Medicine moves fast. Only anatomy remains unchanged.

I'm just wondering if there is any advantage to using current step 1 books over ones from a couple years ago.
My wife still had all of her books from when she took it. Is the material that different from year to year? I don't mind spending money if it's nessisary but, if it's essentially the same I'd rather just use her stuff.
I found a copy of FA from 1993 at a yard sale, has about 136 pages. Those were simpler times.
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Just a different opinion. I got first aid as an MS1, fixed all the errata, and used it throughout the first two years. Then when boards study time came up, I was really familiar with the book and had the whole thing completely memorized after 3 weeks. So mine was two years older than the year I took the boards, but I think studying with one book consistently for two years was better for me than changing it up, rewriting notes, redoing all the errata etc.