well since you guys are talking about the steps...
A wise man once told me, Your medical career is like the human body. I said "what??? huh?? what do you mean??" As you can imagine i was utterly bewildered by this statement. After this he continued to speak words that would change my life, and my medical career forever.
He Said "The Human body wants to STEP forward. Move Forward" I said " Yeah thats true" He said " Just like the human body wants to step forwards you will have to take the STEPS, one and two." - Amazing. Then he said " In order for the human body to work you need to have parts that work, and just like your medical career it will never move forward until you have parts, or subjects that you know. For instance imagine Physiology as being your lungs, now without the lungs as a whole the human body will not function. And without physiology your medical career will not move forward".
I said "wow that is true, without physiology medicine would be impossible, just like it would be to live"
He said " Now imagine pathology/pathophysiology as your liver. Without the liver you would not be able to live and without pathology/pathophysiology you would not be able to take STEPS (steps one and two) In your medical career."
I said "Thats very true"
He said "Now imagine the lungs got an infection. Imagine the infection as the tests you take. How do you fight off the infection? With your immune system and antibiotics!!, And the immune system and antibiotics are your STUDY HABITS, you Want to STUDY HARD so you can fight off the infection! And over come the infection to take your steps!" (I'm guessing he meant one and two)
Then he said "Sometimes you have a little infection (small tests) where you might not need a lot of antibiotics or a strong immune system. Which means you don't have to study as hard. But other times you get big bad infections. Where you need a very strong immune system and strong antibiotics (you want to study harder!)!. You don't want to end up in sepsis!."