usmle prep programs

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Feb 10, 2010
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Any suggestions for the best usmle prep program. I prefer something in the Chicago area, but it can be elsewhere. Any advice from someone who failed the exam previously and took a prep program most appreciated. Please tell me specifically why you liked or disliked a specific program.

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I believe that the PASS program is outside of Chicago. And Kaplan has centres everywhere. I have no heard too many good things about Falcon but I could not imagine 2 months of review, especially in

If you know most of the material well enough then take the PASS program. I know people who speak very highly of PASS but they recommended to dive in had first and go 100% by their program or you might not get the results you want.
At this point, you may seriously want to consider another career choice. I do not want to sound mean or anything, but failing 4 times already limits what states you can get licensed in, and speaks poorly of your academic ability.

However, if you really want to give it another go, I would recommend Doctors in Training. I have seen a dramatic improvement on my practice test scores after taking DIT. It's inexpensive too, like $700. Just pick up a copy of FA 2009 and do his online video course. It's a 3 week course. Good luck to you.

P.S. I think he usually does a new course in March with the new FA, so it's up to you if you want to wait for that. You will probably have to take it live then, and I don't know where he teaches the live course at.
I am looking for tutoring service that will critique my thinking process and go through the individual questions. If anyone knows of a service, please post.