UTD or UT Austin


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7+ Year Member
Apr 14, 2015
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Hey everyone. I'm in kind of a dilemma. I've been accepted into UT Dallas with a full ride and a $1000/semester stipend. My question is, how is the Pre-Med advising and program at UTD? Do they have a decent acceptance rate into medical school? I always thought that I was going to be attending UT Austin, but then I found out that will be receiving a lot of money from UTD. I know that it is a really good deal, but what do you guys think? Should I accept the offer to UTD? Or should it's more well known counterpart, UT Austin? Thanks for your suggestions, I look forward to seeing all of your responses!

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I'm a 4th year at UTSW and I attended UT-Austin for undergrad. We have a lot of UT-Dallas people in our class, and UTD has established themselves as a quality undergraduate institution over the last few years. UT-Austin places more people in medical school, but that is in large part due to the sheer number of pre-meds graduating from UT-Austin. I personally view UTD as one of the top tier schools in the UT system.

UT-Dallas students who have received significant scholarships, Mcdermotts, etc., are all very bright and should have no trouble attending one of the many Texas medical schools. The factors I would be weighing in your decision would be:
1) What do I want in an undergraduate environment? College sports? Specific research opportunities? A campus very much integrated into a city-lifestyle? Partying? Or do you want a campus thats more closed off and family/community feeling?
2) Money/cost of living
3) Proximity to family

You are in a good position. Talk to family, which can help you find out more about numbers 2&3, and do what feels right.