UTHSC vs. Meharry

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Jan 27, 2025
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I was recently accepted to both UTHSC and Meharry. I’m having trouble deciding which school to pick. Is there any advice/ current students that would recommend anything to help come to a decision?

Thanks in Advance!

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I was recently accepted to both UTHSC and Meharry. I’m having trouble deciding which school to pick. Is there any advice/ current students that would recommend anything to help come to a decision?

Thanks in Advance!
I was recently accepted to both UTHSC and Meharry. I’m having trouble deciding which school to pick. Is there any advice/ current students that would recommend anything to help come to a decision?

Thanks in Advance!
Have you thought anymore on this? I am in a similar situation and not sure what is most important in making this decision.