Verbal is killing me...No hope?

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I'm doing horrible in Verbal. As I check my answers, I notice that I do better on the "HARD" questions than on the "MEDIUM" and "EASY". I can't do better than an 8 on any AAMC tests. I took one today (AAMC 8) and got a 7. Anything I can do by Saturday? I've tried a lot of things, I'm just not understanding my problem.

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You'll probably get lots of advice on this one (not from me), but I'd be very careful to try a radically new technique on Saturday. It's late for that.

Do your best and you may pull it up a point to an acceptable 9. Try something completely new 72 hours before the test and you may find yourself with a totally dismal score.
I have found that lots of the questions on the MCAT are answered with one word...meaning that if the unique word is in the passage and in the might be worth a plausible guess...must watch the word order as well...
hm, can you please explain this pattern a little bit more?

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DrFreeman said:
There is a pattern with the correct answer in relation to the wrong answers. If you go back to your verbal tests, compare the correct answer with the wrong answers. Then a light bulb will go off.

Can you be more specific, pretty please? I think Your :idea: moment will help a lot of ppl here, including moi! :p
DrFreeman said:
What I am trying to say, is hard to explain. If you are familiar with ADeadlois, you will understand what I am getting at. The solution is that you dont have to understand everything about a passage. There is a trend that aamc follows with the questions, type of answers, and distractors. Its a pattern believe it or not. I dont know how else to explain it but I do know that ADeadlois has been trying to teach this to everyone. I am not an expert but I did discover this and hopefully it will help me on saturday.

Check out my post history. I'll also bump the VR thread as there a lot of explanations of the strategy in there.
If you're getting the "easy" to "medium" problems wrong it might be that you're not seeing the author's view and answering the question based on your own opinion. Also, a good tip is also to avoid any overly dramatic statements, those are usually (not always) wrong. Not to be all new-age-y, but try to clear your mind and definitely don't stress about the section as you're taking it. A positive attitude can really make a difference. Feeling anxious and just plain sick of studying got me a 28 last August and studying a bit less but enjoying the challenge got me a 35 in April. Goodluck on Saturday!
There are definitely some passages that after reading them I'm like WTF? I have no clue what I just read. When this happens, do you re-read the passage or just use the question stems? I guess it'll just take practice.
RAD11 said:
There are definitely some passages that after reading them I'm like WTF? I have no clue what I just read. When this happens, do you re-read the passage or just use the question stems? I guess it'll just take practice.
That happens to me for some passages as well. When half way through the passage and I haven't undestood anything, I tell myself chances r that I wont understand much from the rest. So I just hit question stems and spend more time getting info from them, and doing questions. Usually I get about 7/10 right.
metastasis said:
That happens to me for some passages as well. When half way through the passage and I haven't undestood anything, I tell myself chances r that I wont understand much from the rest. So I just hit question stems and spend more time getting info from them, and doing questions. Usually I get about 7/10 right.

Wow, awesome! Yeah I really have to keep practicing by answering using mainly the question stems.