Veterinary Pharmacy Residency Opportunities

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Veterinary Pharmacist
2+ Year Member
Jan 16, 2019
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I'm posting this in case there are any of you out there who are interested in veterinary pharmacy but hadn't heard about the residencies in this specialty. These are non-ASHP residencies and they are separate from the Match. The links in the PDF explain more info about each program and the expectations. Feel free to reach out to me with questions, though the contact person for each residency is a better option for any specific program questions.

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  • Veterinary Pharmacy Post-Grad Training 2021-2022.pdf
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What jobs have graduates of these programs gone onto?

Most of the graduates I know are working in veterinary teaching hospital pharmacies. Some others have jobs in academia, independent compounding pharmacies, and specialty veterinary clinics. There are also good opportunities with the FDA Center for Veterinary Medicine or with animal health drug development companies, though I don't personally know anyone who is a former resident with one of these jobs. The animal health market continues to rise and most pharmacists have little to no training in the field. I think we can bring a unique perspective to animal drug research and regulation.
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