VR clinic training in dental school?/?

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7+ Year Member
May 24, 2015
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I watched this week's "the good doctor" and saw how Melendez and Sean used VR to simulate surgery on a patient. This seems like a great way to practice one's skills and I was wondering if there are any VR softwares for dental students to practice what they learn in clinic after hours.

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Can't help much but I remember going over a schools website and they were boasting about their new VR integration for a few procedures. I remember thinking huh...that's pretty cool. So yeah there is VR but I don't remember which school.
Can't help much but I remember going over a schools website and they were boasting about their new VR integration for a few procedures. I remember thinking huh...that's pretty cool. So yeah there is VR but I don't remember which school.

Wow cool! That's exciting to hear that it does exist and some schools are starting to integrate it as part of their curriculum. Thanks for sharing!
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I believe Columbia utilizes that sort of technology. From my own experience trying out the system at a dental meeting, it seemed very unrealistic and I personally wouldn’t want to be trained on it.
We kinda do it at our school in the first few weeks of instruction D1 year. You prep teeth (in real life) but there are cameras that evaluate the prep and rebuild your work in progress on a 3D render on a screen.

To be honest, it sounds better than it really is.