Walgreens rxom

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Aug 5, 2010
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I am currently temp pic at WAG, and the rxom keeps telling all the staff that she has complete authority over me. Is this actually true?

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I am currently temp pic at WAG, and the rxom keeps telling all the staff that she has complete authority over me. Is this actually true?
We usually use "PIC" interchangeable with "RXM", and also most of the time they are the same person. However, PIC is only matter to the board of pharmacy. BOP doesn't care if a PIC is a floater, staff RPh, RXM or even a HCS. In term of pharmacy operation, yes RXM is the 1st in command, then RxOM is like the 2nd in line. So in your situation, pretty much that store/pharmacy doesn't consider you as their RXM (which is reasonable). They just need you to be responsible for PIC stuffs or deal with BOP if there is a problem (as a temp PIC) and leave pharmacy operation to their people (RxOM).
We usually use "PIC" interchangeable with "RXM", and also most of the time they are the same person. However, PIC is only matter to the board of pharmacy. BOP doesn't care if a PIC is a floater, staff RPh, RXM or even a HCS. In term of pharmacy operation, yes RXM is the 1st in command, then RxOM is like the 2nd in line. So in your situation, pretty much that store/pharmacy doesn't consider you as their RXM (which is reasonable). They just need you to be responsible for PIC stuffs or deal with BOP if there is a problem (as a temp PIC) and leave pharmacy operation to their people (RxOM).
RxOM is not over any RPh, even floaters. RxOM is in charge of the technicians. RPh receive their review from RXM. If there is no RXM, RPh receive review from SM. That being said, let RxOM handle pharmacy workflow unless you feel something legal or pt safety is being compromised. RxOM cannot write up a RPh
If rxom is not doing their job properly, am I permitted to step in? Or do I just have to let her run wild?
If rxom is not doing their job properly, am I permitted to step in? Or do I just have to let her run wild?
you know your situation best, pick your battles. If it is a big enough problem, rope the SM in on the talk

RxOM is not over any RPh, even floaters. RxOM is in charge of the technicians. RPh receive their review from RXM. If there is no RXM, RPh receive review from SM. That being said, let RxOM handle pharmacy workflow unless you feel something legal or pt safety is being compromised. RxOM cannot write up a RPh
Yes, you are correct in term of who give annual review to who & Wag corporate structure. However, in daily pharmacy operation (workflow, making tech schedule etc), I doubt that a "temp PIC" have more power than the local RxOM (well unless the temp PIC is an well known seasoned floater in the area or a RXM somewhere else).
If rxom is not doing their job properly, am I permitted to step in? Or do I just have to let her run wild?
What do you mean by saying "not doing their job properly" ? Did the RxOM cause any harm to the public or breach their scope of practice or violate any Wag policy? Or the RxOM just didn't meet your expectation ?