Walgreens walkout

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10+ Year Member
May 24, 2009
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Looks like they are following CVS's lead for better working conditions. I'm not sure how this will influence these lizard reptiles that work at the top. We shall see

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I hope this works out for them.
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Sadly, all it will do is make the big chains press harder for tech autonomy.
Have any of these walks outs changed anything yet or does everyone go back to work like nothing happened the next day?
Have any of these walks outs changed anything yet or does everyone go back to work like nothing happened the next day?

Word somehow got out to me that our regional (our district manager’s boss) was very nervous when cvs walkout occurred.

If anything, suits are getting scared ****less. It’s worth it for that alone.
Word somehow got out to me that our regional (our district manager’s boss) was very nervous when cvs walkout occurred.

If anything, suits are getting scared ****less. It’s worth it for that alone.

But have working conditions, tech hours or pay changed at all or is it the same **** as before? Are they gonna walk out every week or something until work conditions are reasonable?
Nah. Techs aren’t paid enough to do this job.
Not even for 20 bucks an hour and a fancy title like "chief clinical pharmaceutical technician"?
A Walgreens walkout is destined to fail. There's no reason for any of their demands to be met. Fire the pharmacists and techs that participate, just rip the bandaid off right now. Retail pharmacy is becoming less and less profitable if you don't operate a PBM.
Retail pharmacy is becoming less and less profitable if you don't operate a PBM.

Because CVS, Walgreens used heavy debt to buyout their competitors. Not only do they need to make the same profit but they also need to service the debt by making close to the bone cuts. The PBMs are also doing the same thing. Major cuts across the board to service the debt.
More recent article of this inevitable implosion:

Sad thing is I’ve had only like 2 customers this week mention it, thank me for working/understanding the struggles…guy who had a few Rxs at a closed WG (I used insurance overrides to fill his stuff) and a retired nurse who I vaccinated
More recent article of this inevitable implosion:

Sad thing is I’ve had only like 2 customers this week mention it, thank me for working/understanding the struggles…guy who had a few Rxs at a closed WG (I used insurance overrides to fill his stuff) and a retired nurse who I vaccinated

People don’t appreciate things until they are gone.
Every pharmacy I've ever worked in had at least 1 or 2 Karen techs who legitimately believed they knew as much as the RPhb and who would drool at the title
It’s so easy to confuse these types though…you just ask said Karen about an off label use, ask an open ended therapeutic based question, lab value/monitoring parameters, etc.