WAMC 3.05 cGPA/3.68 sGPA, Paramedic, no MCAT yet

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So what do you mean when you say "targeting prereqs"? because for many schools, they share a common set of prereqs, although a few schools may have slightly more demanding requirements like anatomy/physiology, microbiology, etc.

I think your biggest priority is to use those prereqs and whatever other undergrad-level courses you take to raise your cGPA to 3.5. Without it, although your experiences are top tier, you may have some difficulty getting into MD schools. Otherwise, I would try to maintain some level of involvement in both a clinical and nonclinical activity while prioritizing your GPA and MCAT score
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This may not sound too germane, BUT you have a degree in hospital admin. A MHA would make you golden. By and large, hospital administrators (and payors) call the shots today. Lots less time, probably better money at career peak
( very common for CEO’s of big hospitals to make >> 1M and VP’s do better than most docs.) And, it is a minimal time commitment. Unless you really, really, really want to be a physician it is something to think about. After all, you already have a batchelors in it.
In my many years I have seen a few of them and it can be a KILLER combination.