Well that’s one way to throw away your career

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Dr. Anonymouss

Anesthesiology Resident
5+ Year Member
Nov 12, 2018
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Yay Florida
episode 4 insult GIF by Star Wars
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ca-3? 4 months away?

There was this ca1 charged with dui manslaughter a few years ago and he’s attending now.

Innocent till proven guilty.

He was clearly drunk but money and good lawyers saved him.

Same with jaden kitna qb for gators charged.
Honestly I’d like to see if the state treats him the same as kitna’s kid Jaden also similar offenses in Gainesville Florida. Or was that white privileged pleas deal

Honestly I’d like to see if the state treats him the same as kitna’s kid Jaden also similar offenses in Gainesville Florida. Or was that white privileged pleas deal

I really can't stand this rhetoric. You are comparing two cases that can not and should not be treated equally. The reason they shouldn't be treated equally is because there is much more complexity involved than solely skin color.... I mean come on, how are you going to bring that BS in here and act like the only possible difference in cases is black versus white sexual predator? I believe that any individual who is convicted of engaging in child pornography should be locked up because that is some sick ****.

Medical professionals must hold themselves to a higher standard than any other individual in our society due to the trust and respect we receive from our patients. This is why I believe this resident should never be allowed to practice medicine again because this would only lower the standard that we have set for ourselves as well as the standard that the public expects of us.
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I really can't stand this rhetoric. You are comparing two cases that can not and should not be treated equally. The reason they shouldn't be treated equally is because there is much more complexity involved than solely skin color.... I mean come on, how are you going to bring that BS in here and act like the only possible difference in cases is black versus white sexual predator? I believe that any individual who is convicted of engaging in child pornography should be locked up because that is some sick ****.

Medical professionals must hold themselves to a higher standard than any other individual in our society due to the trust and respect we receive from our patients. This is why I believe this resident should never be allowed to practice medicine again because this would only lower the standard that we have set for ourselves as well as the standard that the public expects of us.
You are contradicting yourself. You are already convicting the medical resident.

He’s only been charged. Just like kitna’s kid. And kitna kid engaged in very similar charges on the same exact city. Kitna kid distributed in the discord chats. It was no innocent thing he did. He claims being young and stupid. And lawyers got it downgraded to misdemeanor charges of rude behavior.

So don’t convict the medical resident before all the facts are laid out. So if he gets off with similar plea deal as kitna.

What will be ur response?

As for medical profession being held to the highest standards. It’s become a farce. The optics of medicine being held to some higher standard than say other professions like law or dentistry or say even teaching. It’s a joke. Every profession believes the same way. We
Have lawyers lying on the stand on cnn the last 2 weeks smirking. That’s life these days. Dentist running over their husbands whose are cheating on them. Doctors killing their wives etc
You are contradicting yourself. You are already convicting the medical resident.

He’s only been charged. Just like kitna’s kid. And kitna kid engaged in very similar charges on the same exact city. Kitna kid distributed in the discord chats. It was no innocent thing he did. He claims being young and stupid. And lawyers got it downgraded to misdemeanor charges of rude behavior.

So don’t convict the medical resident before all the facts are laid out. So if he gets off with similar plea deal as kitna.

What will be ur response?

As for medical profession being held to the highest standards. It’s become a farce. The optics of medicine being held to some higher standard than say other professions like law or dentistry or say even teaching. It’s a joke. Every profession believes the same way. We
Have lawyers lying on the stand on cnn the last 2 weeks smirking. That’s life these days. Dentist running over their husbands whose are cheating on them. Doctors killing their wives etc
The Florida case sounded significantly worse from the article. Also sounded like the anesthesia resident basically admitted guilt when they arrested him.

"When asked if he would talk about what he did on Google, he reportedly shook his head but later said he looked at and saved “abusive” material from Instagram. When asked if it involved the exploitation of pubescent males, he reportedly said it did and added that it also involved pre-pubescent males. He reportedly described a video that was not included in the reported videos.

According to the arrest report, Bryant said he was a “normal person except for this one aspect of his life; the defendant stated that something was wrong with his brain.” He reportedly said he’s been viewing child sexual abuse material for years, starting before he was 18 years old; he said he knows it’s wrong, but he “struggles with it.” He reportedly said he last looked at child sexual abuse material on his laptop about two days ago."

Maybe he gets a good lawyer and they get his statements and evidence thrown out.

At the moment, sounds pretty guilty
I am old enough to remember this incident.

Damn that’s a long time ago. And the LORs are another level. Reminds me of the Catholic Church. Ship him far away. Some things never change.

More recently this…..

The Florida case sounded significantly worse from the article. Also sounded like the anesthesia resident basically admitted guilt when they arrested him.

"When asked if he would talk about what he did on Google, he reportedly shook his head but later said he looked at and saved “abusive” material from Instagram. When asked if it involved the exploitation of pubescent males, he reportedly said it did and added that it also involved pre-pubescent males. He reportedly described a video that was not included in the reported videos.

According to the arrest report, Bryant said he was a “normal person except for this one aspect of his life; the defendant stated that something was wrong with his brain.” He reportedly said he’s been viewing child sexual abuse material for years, starting before he was 18 years old; he said he knows it’s wrong, but he “struggles with it.” He reportedly said he last looked at child sexual abuse material on his laptop about two days ago."

Maybe he gets a good lawyer and they get his statements and evidence thrown out.

At the moment, sounds pretty guilty
Hopefully he spoke to a lawyer before making those statements. At some point even if guilty you have to shut up and let the lawyers speak. Honestly the very accusation can destroy medical careers. Look at Dr Husel acquitted on all charges but cannot practice medicine again. This dude is done with medicine anesthesia and anything that involves the trust of patients. Black white whatever hopefully he gets the book thrown at him.
I really can't stand this rhetoric. You are comparing two cases that can not and should not be treated equally. The reason they shouldn't be treated equally is because there is much more complexity involved than solely skin color.... I mean come on, how are you going to bring that BS in here and act like the only possible difference in cases is black versus white sexual predator? I believe that any individual who is convicted of engaging in child pornography should be locked up because that is some sick ****.

Medical professionals must hold themselves to a higher standard than any other individual in our society due to the trust and respect we receive from our patients. This is why I believe this resident should never be allowed to practice medicine again because this would only lower the standard that we have set for ourselves as well as the standard that the public expects of us.
I bet he can get into administration though😂😃
Hopefully he spoke to a lawyer before making those statements. At some point even if guilty you have to shut up and let the lawyers speak. Honestly the very accusation can destroy medical careers. Look at Dr Husel acquitted on all charges but cannot practice medicine again. This dude is done with medicine anesthesia and anything that involves the trust of patients. Black white whatever hopefully he gets the book thrown at him.
Lol...He stores admittedly underage images on his google drive, same google drive as his personal documents, and accesses this drive and these images not just at work, but while working at a VA hospital, presumably on a US Gvt computer.

No, he's never spoken to a lawyer. But that will change.

There are innocent people

But the medical resident likely isn’t innocent

Obviously google and Amazon sell ur data. Does Apple sell ur data or let govt scan ur documents and photos?

There are innocent people

But the medical resident likely isn’t innocent

Obviously google and Amazon sell ur data. Does Apple sell ur data or let govt scan ur documents and photos?
Well that's terrifying. Made me immediately think of sensitive pictures I had taken for the surgeon when my daughter had a big inguinal hernia at 18 months old. That exact same thing could have happened to me. Yikes!
This is sad. Promising life ahead of him and he threw it away. Don’t understand wanting to look at kids at all, it’s got to be some mental illness or severe insecurity. But not only has this guy lost a good career, he will also be ditched by friends and possibly family. I knew a person in college who was arrested for something similar. Got some dead end job for a few years after jail, then killed himself. It’s a terrible crime but hopefully this guy can turn his life around in some way.
This is sad. Promising life ahead of him and he threw it away. Don’t understand wanting to look at kids at all, it’s got to be some mental illness or severe insecurity. But not only has this guy lost a good career, he will also be ditched by friends and possibly family. I knew a person in college who was arrested for something similar. Got some dead end job for a few years after jail, then killed himself. It’s a terrible crime but hopefully this guy can turn his life around in some way.

It is sad. I sympathize with the fact that we all know how hard we worked to get to this point in our lives. He had a truly great life in front of him, but he threw it away. Although I want to sympathize I find it difficult knowing the reason he threw it all away. I can’t help but be angry and disgusted. I searched through University of Florida and they cut all ties with him. Every article that had his name on it was taken down. He is no longer on the resident page or anywhere. They cut ties quick.
It is sad. I sympathize with the fact that we all know how hard we worked to get to this point in our lives. He had a truly great life in front of him, but he threw it away. Although I want to sympathize I find it difficult knowing the reason he threw it all away. I can’t help but be angry and disgusted. I searched through University of Florida and they cut all ties with him. Every article that had his name on it was taken down. He is no longer on the resident page or anywhere. They cut ties quick.
I am no mental health expert but this person likely had a serious addiction to Child porn to the degree he couldn't stop doing/engaging in it. This type of behavior is self destructive so much so that it ruined his life. Again, I am no expert but don't we see self destructive behavior in other areas from drugs, to sex addiction, to alcohol , etc.

In our culture Child porn is not acceptable at any level while other addictions are "tolerated" to a degree so a rehab back into society is possible. This isn't the case with Child Porn so Mr. Travis Bryant will likely not be practicing medicine in the USA.

When I was a resident decades ago a promising surgery resident transferred into Anesthesiology. This guy was highly regarded as a hard worker, intelligent and very gifted with his hands. But, he had a secret problem- he was addicted to Fentanyl. Over the next 6 months he began diverting Fentanyl for his own use in larger and larger amounts. Of course, this was eventually discovered and he was "forced" into a drug rehab program. He never came back to the Residency program and became a general contractor. I think things have changed for the better because this guy would likely be given a second chance today after his rehab. I doubt anyone will give Mr. Bryant a second chance in the field of medicine after his short stint in jail.
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When I was a resident decades ago a promising surgery resident transferred into Anesthesiology. This guy was highly regarded as a hard worker, intelligent and very gifted with his hands. But, he had a secret problem- he was addicted to Fentanyl. Over the next 6 months he began diverting Fentanyl for his own use in larger and larger amounts. Of course, this was eventually discovered and he was "forced" into a drug rehab program. He never came back to the Residency program and became a general contractor. I think things have changed for the better because this guy would likely be given a second chance today after his rehab. I doubt anyone will give Mr. Bryant a second chance in the field of medicine after his short stint in jail.
In retrospect on your interactions with him, did this resident have behaviors suggestive or diversion/addiction?
Wayback machine has it. The internet is forever.

They've got an incoming resident from Ukraine (Lugansk State Medical University) and one from Colombia (Colegio Mayor de Nuestra Senora del Rosario). I wonder if they'll be eligible to stay and work in the USA after graduating or if they'll need to return. I assume if they're doing residency in the US it means they've passed the USMLE and will be eligible for a license.
Wayback machine has it. The internet is forever.

They've got an incoming resident from Ukraine (Lugansk State Medical University) and one from Colombia (Colegio Mayor de Nuestra Senora del Rosario). I wonder if they'll be eligible to stay and work in the USA after graduating or if they'll need to return. I assume if they're doing residency in the US it means they've passed the USMLE and will be eligible for a license.
Many places will sponsor j-1 visa.

Most will eventually convert to h-1 but that’s a lot harder.
I am no mental health expert but this person likely had a serious addiction to Child porn to the degree he couldn't stop doing/engaging in it. This type of behavior is self destructive so much so that it ruined his life. Again, I am no expert but don't we see self destructive behavior in other areas from drugs, to sex addiction, to alcohol , etc.

In our culture Child porn is not acceptable at any level while other addictions are "tolerated" to a degree so a rehab back into society is possible. This isn't the case with Child Porn so Mr. Travis Bryant will likely not be practicing medicine in the USA.

When I was a resident decades ago a promising surgery resident transferred into Anesthesiology. This guy was highly regarded as a hard worker, intelligent and very gifted with his hands. But, he had a secret problem- he was addicted to Fentanyl. Over the next 6 months he began diverting Fentanyl for his own use in larger and larger amounts. Of course, this was eventually discovered and he was "forced" into a drug rehab program. He never came back to the Residency program and became a general contractor. I think things have changed for the better because this guy would likely be given a second chance today after his rehab. I doubt anyone will give Mr. Bryant a second chance in the field of medicine after his short stint in jail.
Everyone is “addicted” to something. Doesn’t have to be illegal.

But like u said some illegal addictions are more tolerated than others.

Even allegations of domestic violence should not be tolerate more than twice. This surgeon at place I covered before (not Florida) but also the Deep South. The hospital let him off 3 times. Even the state let him conditionally get approved with his medical license. But finally the 4th arrest for beating him his 2nd wife and the kicker was the felony child abused (grabbed the teenage step daughter and threw her to the wall who was defending her mother). That was the final nail in the coffin. So it took the felony child abuse charge.

I’m sure if the 4th domestic violence charge without the child abuse charges. He likely would still be practicing. But lo and behold. I see he’s got privilege at new place!!

So domestic violence is tolerated.