Western U vs Touro CA vs Touro NV

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Apr 17, 2016
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So I got accepted to Western U and I love the campus and program, but I just got interview invites from Touro CA and Touro NV. I am debating whether I should even go to these two interviews. I went to western U for their open house and interview day, and I can totally see myself going there. Btw, I'm from CA.

To those who have interviewed at all three schools, what do you guys think? Should I even go to these interviews at both Touro schools? It's $$$, but I'm asking this to make sure that I won't be missing out on important info.

To those who interviewed at all three schools and ended up in Western U, what made you guys choose western U over the other two?

Any current students from these schools? Halp~~~

Thanks guys!

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Got in at western and touro ca.... feedback from some posters on this forum swayed me from western. Love the smaller atmosphere at touro. Overall happy with my decision.
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Got in at western and touro ca.... feedback from some posters on this forum swayed me from western. Love the smaller atmosphere at touro. Overall happy with my decision.

How so? Can you elaborate a little? Thanks!

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Let's see:
Mexican food vs Mexican food vs Mexican food + Napa wine. And seafood.

One of them is hot from May through Sept. "But it's a dry heat!" you say? So's my oven.

Lol I like how food is the priority here. I do love Mexican food, wine, and seafood tho....

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All 3 schools have different curriculums so you might consider which one fits your learning style more. I would just pick the school based on location to be honest. all three programs are solid. Western is great though, I would go there
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I would also consider where in CA you are from. That would be a large part in my decision of comparing Touro-CA and Western. I would drop Touro-NV.
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