What A Surprise!

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Accepting Destiny
10+ Year Member
5+ Year Member
15+ Year Member
Aug 18, 2005
Reaction score
Hi everyone! I can't believe this :eek: ....i just got my ndbe-1 scores and i can't believe how terrible i did. I really studied hard and after taking that exam i thought i did ok. I got an 80 :( .........i just can't figure out what i did wrong. I was always a really good student so why this????.....i had so many hopes and dreams............ i know i'll have to take this exam again but just can't get motivated to study again.......

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.... you will get motivated to study again, when you realize you want to be doing what you want. practicing dentistry. cheer up. its not the usmle, you can take the exam again!
chin up and go ahead !
Sarah123 said:
Hi everyone! I can't believe this :eek: ....i just got my ndbe-1 scores and i can't believe how terrible i did. I really studied hard and after taking that exam i thought i did ok. I got an 80 :( .........i just can't figure out what i did wrong. I was always a really good student so why this????.....i had so many hopes and dreams............ i know i'll have to take this exam again but just can't get motivated to study again.......
Hey pals
Actualy i have the same position as Sarah does i got my 80 result last week I know it would not work out eventhough I'm US cityzen , but the point is that since the statue is pass, can i retake NBD sooner than 90 days
Any help is appreciable