Sure, and I can envision many of us being ABLE to work into our 70s, but the problem is that the vast majority of folks in that "OG pathologist" age group COULD retire and derive pleasure from something else, but they are either a.) incapable of being normal non-pathologist humans and finding purpose in life outside the lab, or b.) fixated on the 'acquire as much wealth as possible' mentality or are 'hungry octogenarians'. Meanwhile, the folks early / mid career pathology are generally of a different mindset but to achieve a retirement even remotely similar to the prior generations will be required to work into their 70s given inflation, decreasing reimbursement, and lower salaries, or accept the fact that retiring at a normal retirement age--let alone early-- (both options I think the current generation of pathologists are more inclined towards personality wise) will not afford the kind of retirement that the prior generations were afforded. Which isn't the fault of crusty old pathologists, other than them contributing to the problem by padding their already ridiculous retirement accounts. Yes, that's "capitalism" and "The American Way" and the epitome of the "medicine is business" mantra, but that doesn't mean it's required or exemplary. And it's not limited to pathology for sure.
Whatever, it's fine, this is fine. I'm just venting and can't do anything about it anyway. At some point, I imagine we'll all be employed by Brawndo.