What are my chances? How can I improve them?

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New Member
Sep 23, 2020
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Hi, I'm new to forums in general, so I'm not really sure how this works...
I'm a senior in undergrad; I'm majoring in biology and minoring in studio art.
I plant to take a gap year after graduating so I can gain experience and finish up and pre-requisites before applying.
I'm going to list my stats in a straight-forward manner because I hate looking at them. I really had to get over my embarrassment and shame to post this here, but I need to start being proactive in asking for advice.
  • Overal GPA: 3.25
  • Biology GPA: 2.82
  • # of W's: 2
  • # of classes I retook: 2
  • Current hours: <100
I'm aware my academic standing is pretty bad, but I want to know what my chances are if I take a year to rack up hours and experience (and maybe some research, as well).

Here's a list of schools I want to apply to (from most to least interested), in case you're interested. I have equal interest in schools ranked with the same number. If you know anything about these schools' admission process specifically, I'd really appreciate the extra info!

1. Washington State
2. Colorado State
2. Oregon State
3. University of California - Davis
4. Texas A&M
5. Cornell University
6.University of Florida
6.University of Wisconsin

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For clarification, by biology GPA do you mean science GPA? Or do you mean literally just the GPA of your biology courses?
Edit: I'm sure this will get moved to the appropriate forum, but there is a WAMC (what are my chances) forum with a recommended template to help others give you the best advice possible that I will post below, feel free to edit your post with the template.

Cumulative GPA:
Science GPA:
Last 45:

Any degrees achieved

GRE results: Q/V/W:

Veterinary Experience:

Animal Experience:

Research Experience:




Summarize any concerns you have
Hey there I'm not sure what your IS is which could change recommendation on applying to certain schools and how they evaluate. With that said I'd highly suggest looking into some other schools (michigan and IL are ones off the top of my head) and taking a few off your list. ie UC Davis is extremely hard to get into and unless you nail your GRE or whatever they are doing now as an OOS student your GPA holds you back from even being considered for them. Texas A&M takes relatively few OOS so might consider removing them. CSU is SUPER competitive OOS there's so many applicants/spot I'd personally recommend not wasting your money with your current stats as all those with below a 3.5 I believe undergo special file review. WSU if you're OOS is also probably also a reach unless you kill the GRE as well their breakdown for interview invite likelyness is found here https://dvm.vetmed.wsu.edu/admissions/academic-criteria

I don't have much info on the other schools. I would definitely keep racking up those hours are they are very low compared to the average applicant. Getting research and diversifying is important as well. Just be aware that more experience does not always make up for lack of GPA and that decision is school dependent and circumstance dependent as well. I highly recommend looking into each program you apply to seeing how they evaluate applicants and the weight they put behind GPAs. Especially because below a 3.0sGPA is a straight denial for many schools.
Are you going to retake any classes during your gap year?