What are my chances of matching into any Gen Surg program?

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Gilbert Syndrome

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5+ Year Member
Dec 16, 2017
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I am currently a 3rd year medical student interested in Gen Surg. I go to a brand new DO school (idk if that hurts me). I scored a 241 on step 1 and a 647 on my COMLEX. I am currently working on a case report that is surgery related. I'm hoping to get at least a poster presentation from that. Otherwise I don't really have any research or volunteer activities. So two questions, do I have a shot at gen surg? Would doing a few away rotations help my chances or would just applying with my stats and a few LOR from a few general surgeons be enough?

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Yes, going to a new DO program will hurt you.

The case report does not count as meaningful research.

How did you do on rotations?

You have an uphill battle, but worth looking into programs that have accepted DO candidates recently (best way is to ask your school or go through old SDN threads or even go to individual program websites and look up current residents). A strong away at one of these programs may be your best bet.
Volunteering? No, it's not important.

But you need research and connections,