What are my chances??

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Aug 5, 2018
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Hello everyone! I am currently freaking out about getting into PT School and am so unsure of what kinds of schools I would even get into. I have a pretty strong overall GPA, but a very low science GPA. Also have a strong quant score and low verbal so not sure how that all factors in. Let me know what you think about the schools I'm applying to and if I have a decent shot at them!

Undergrad University: The Ohio State University
Major: Human Development and Family Science
Overall GPA: 3.73
Pre req GPA: 3.3-3.4
Science GPA: 3.15
GRE: Q-158 V-150 A-4.0
Hours: 100 outpatient 125 inpatient. Also going to get a PT aid job in October for the year
Extra stuff: graduated magna cum laude, made deans list almost every semester, worked 400 hours for a chiropractor, president of sorority, camp counselor, involved in many clubs on campus, volunteer work at a hospital, studied abroad in Madrid

Planning on applying to:
Reaches- USC, UCSF, Columbia, George Washington U, Chapman, SDSU
Target- Samuel Merritt, Mount Saint Marys, Western Sciences, Northern Arizona, Azusa Pacific, Thomas Jefferson University, Temple University, University of the Pacific
Have a decent chance of getting in- St Augustine, AT Still, Franklin Pierce, Cleveland State

Let me know what you guys think. Any feedback would be amazing!!!

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I would downplay the "400 hrs with a chiropractor" in your application. Many PTs have a bias against chiros, so why take a chance?

Make sure you look at the financial angle when choosing a school to attend. Many of the places you listed (esp USC) have outrageous tuition; you don't want to have 150K in loans when the starting pay is in the 60-70K range.
youll be fine, but like the above poster stated many DPT's and professors and PT schools do have a bias against Chiropractics and its overall effectiveness. I would def. make note of it but not indulge in it.
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I am sure you will get in a few of the schools you listed.
I agree with the posts above regarding tuition and chiropractors. I had classes in PT school where in multiple units they were bashing chiropractors! Not everyone has that prejudice of course, but it's better to play safe at this point. Good luck!
I'm sure you'll get into some of the schools you listed, as your stats really aren't that bad. At the least, you'll probably get some interview offers, which will be your time to really shine. I go to GWU now, and it is pretty expensive (although wonderful!), so I definitely caution you to keep price in mind when choosing a school, although it still can't hurt to apply. Also keep in mind that you pay a good amount per school that you apply to, so you may want to seriously evaluate your list and cut it down where you feel you can.

Overall, lots of people stress about getting into school. It's one of the most stressful parts of it all, actually, lol. Apply. Especially to public programs you feel are in reach for you. You'll do great!
I'm sure you'll get into some of the schools you listed, as your stats really aren't that bad. At the least, you'll probably get some interview offers, which will be your time to really shine. I go to GWU now, and it is pretty expensive (although wonderful!), so I definitely caution you to keep price in mind when choosing a school, although it still can't hurt to apply. Also keep in mind that you pay a good amount per school that you apply to, so you may want to seriously evaluate your list and cut it down where you feel you can.

Overall, lots of people stress about getting into school. It's one of the most stressful parts of it all, actually, lol. Apply. Especially to public programs you feel are in reach for you. You'll do great!

Fortunately, money is not a huge issue and GW is actually my first choice! Do you have any recommendations for getting into GW?