What can I do with a Bachelor's?

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May 2, 2010
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I am new here. I am an undergrad international student who will soon be graduating. I was curious to know what fields I can pursue with the bachelors degree while in grad school.

The reason I ask is because scholarships and grants usually do not apply for internationals.


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I am new here. I am an undergrad international student who will soon be graduating. I was curious to know what fields I can pursue with the bachelors degree while in grad school.

The reason I ask is because scholarships and grants usually do not apply for internationals.


Hey, welcome to SDN! I'm a little confused by your question though. You can do a lot of different things with a bachelors degree in the U.S. Are you interested in pursuing an AuD degree though? If so, I don't think it'd be a good idea to have a full-time job while in grad school. Between classes and clinic hours you can expect to be very busy. Depending on what schools you're interested in, they might have specific scholarships that you'd qualify for.
I second what Cochlear said, and I'm also wondering what your bachelor's degree is in. Is it CSD?
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Sorry, let me clarify. I am indeed graduating with a CSD. I am hoping to further pursue an Au.D but in the meantime I was thinking maybe I can possible get a rather lite part-time job within the audiology field (as a tachnician, if such a thing is available)

Thanks to both of you for the kind words
Thanks again to both of you. I did talk to my professor and she echoed the same sentiments, I was advised to put more energy into finding scholarships and TA opportunities.

Thanx :)