What count as a science course?

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Sorry everyone if this question has been brought up before but I really want to double check. I just graduated with a BS in Kinesiology and wanted to know if Kinesiology courses are considered as Science courses. I have a feeling the answer to this question might depend each individual school.

Thanks in advance! :)

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I believe it counts as science classes but not as bcp classes
Sorry everyone if this question has been brought up before but I really want to double check. I just graduated with a BS in Kinesiology and wanted to know if Kinesiology courses are considered as Science courses. I have a feeling the answer to this question might depend each individual school.

Thanks in advance! :)

Kinesiology is indeed counted as "other science." go to this page for reference:

http://www.adea.org/dental_educatio...ons/Documents/ADEA AADSAS Course Subjects.pdf