What do you tell a layperson?

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10+ Year Member
Jan 3, 2013
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As someone who recently matched in ophthalmology, I’ve noticed a lot of my family and friends outside of medicine get confused when I tell them I’m going into ophthalmology. It’s quite funny to see them raise their eyebrows in astonishment and slowly shift the conversation to glasses and contact lenses (lol).

I’ve noticed that when I say eye surgeon, they immediately gravitate towards LASIK surgery, but when I say ocular surgeon, they seem more “impressed” but also clueless lol.

For fun, I was curious how you guys describe your occupation to a layperson. Do you say eye surgeon, ocular surgeon, ophthalmologist, or just simply someone who cuts eyeballs for a living?

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Eye surgeon = cataract surgeon for comprehensive usually

I come from an upper middle class family and nobody got weird. They did gravitate towards refraction, but when they mention anything like glasses I just said opticians and optometrists focus on glasses, and kinda describe what we do instead in terms of diagnoses and surgeries. That generated some ooo and aahs...I would sometimes mention LASIK, but rarely... :)
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Ophthalmologist, then eye surgeon if they look confused.
If I've previously known the person or its someone Im getting to know I'll say ophthalmologist, then explain if necessary. For the average stranger Ive never met or have no interest in further engaging with I just say eye surgeon.