What exactly a scored tablet is?

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10+ Year Member
Jan 8, 2010
Reaction score
Hi all,

I want to know what exactly a scored tablet is! Does that mean it can be cut into half or it means they have low therapeutic window,,

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Say it "I score a hot girl!" See the similarity? Ok, not exactly but you know what I mean >_>;
Hi all,

I want to know what exactly a scored tablet is! Does that mean it can be cut into half or it means they have low therapeutic window,,

This is a joke right? If not, it is totally harrowing :boom::boom:
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I want to know what a low therapeutic window is.

From what I remember, it's a pickup/dropoff window that has a lower countertop relative to a standard window. You know, so people don't have to stand up or get out of their scooters.