What exactly is an embedded field study?

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2+ Year Member
Mar 22, 2021
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For my BP exam, it says that "This study would occur if the researchers posed as patients, for example" so does that mean that is a study where the subjects watch the researchers pose as subjects as an example or is it somethingelse. The explanation that BP gives is fairly vague and open to plenty of interpretation.

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For my BP exam, it says that "This study would occur if the researchers posed as patients, for example" so does that mean that is a study where the subjects watch the researchers pose as subjects as an example or is it somethingelse. The explanation that BP gives is fairly vague and open to plenty of interpretation.
There are a few episodes of Star Trek (pick your series) where the crew adopts personas to observe an interesting culture for "research". Without much more information, it's like this (to me). (I defer to those who watch more TV/entertainment than me.)
There are a few episodes of Star Trek (pick your series) where the crew adopts personas to observe an interesting culture for "research". Without much more information, it's like this (to me). (I defer to those who watch more TV/entertainment than me.)
thanks this makes it a lot more clear