what specialty do lazy medical students go into?

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Apr 13, 2010
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Lazy and medstudent really don't go well in the same sentence. I 2nd the uncompetitive specialties as you don't have to work hard to get good grades, though. Lazy people don't match the cush specialties.
Lazy and medstudent really don't go well in the same sentence. I 2nd the uncompetitive specialties as you don't have to work hard to get good grades, though. Lazy people don't match the cush specialties.

'Cush' specialies are the ones that have great hours and great pay, and you're right they tend to go to the best and brightest. However for the rest of us, anyone who makes it through medical school will have the option of choosing lower (but still six figure) compensation in exchange for better hours and a lighter workload during those hours. Theres a lot of midrange students who will choose to be a hospitalist or EM doc to limit their misery and hours in the hospital. Even the worst students can generally make an easy living with psych, pm&r, or Family Med (with limited clinic and no OB) if they're willing to take a pay cut relative to their more motivated peers.