What time are TUCOM-CA interviews?

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Oct 11, 2004
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I have an interview at TUCOM Mare Island on Monday morning, but I lost my letter and forgot what time it starts. I think it's 9:00 a.m, but can someone else who's had an interview there confirm. Thanks.

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if you're at the quality inn, then you should be in the lobby by 8:30...don't worry, interviews don't start until after a looooooooong shpeal of orientation. good luck! :)
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antt said:
if you're at the quality inn, then you should be in the lobby by 8:30...don't worry, interviews don't start until after a looooooooong shpeal of orientation. good luck! :)

how was the quality inn? was it decent?

how long did it take from SFO or Oakland airport to get to the quality inn?
lktm831 said:
how was the quality inn? was it decent?

how long did it take from SFO or Oakland airport to get to the quality inn?

To get there from SFO or Oakland will totally depend on traffic. I made it from SFO to Vallejo in 45 minutes, but I drive fast and there was no traffic. In traffic, it could easily take 1:30 or more.

I didn't stay at the Quality Inn, but I heard it was pretty sketchy. The Best Western in Vallejo is a little less sketchy.
...i liked it. it was clean and the shuttle left from there so there was no need to rent a car. i think it took about 45 min from OAK to the quality inn, but my driver was a spaz...lol...i wasn't paying attention to the time, more on whether i'd make it to my interview in one piece.

there's a restaurant attached to the hotel that opens at 7 and closes at 3, so if you get there early you'll have something to eat, but if not then the front desk has delivery menus so you can order food in.

i dunno, i like it a lot because it was quiet and i had some time to just sit and go over interview questions out loud, in the mirror without anyone laughing at me. besides, then you get to meet the people you're interviewing with that mornign and you stick with them all day.

good luck!!!! :D