What to do once you're accepted?

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Accepted Pharmacy Student
10+ Year Member
Jan 27, 2009
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So i've been accepted into pharm school already (got into Midwestern CCP and interview with UIC in two week) but now i'm restless. I was so used to worrying about interviews and supp apps and running around nonstop... and now that i have nothing to do i feel useless lol.

school gives me no interest anymore, pretty much lay around now, do nothing. so my question to all those who have gotten accepted... whats ur gp (game play) now? what's really beyond getting accepted?

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Drop all ECs and put in minimum effort to pass remaining classes.
Drop all ECs and put in minimum effort to pass remaining classes.
Haha, yeah I'm totally going with this plan.

Otherwise I'm trying to figure out how the hell I'm going to pay for school and living expenses while in school. Rather daunting numbers.
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Can you get hired on as an intern for increased pay in the summer preceding P1?
Quick question about dropping classes that aren't needed now that we've been accepted. When we turn in our final transcripts, will those W's affect their choice any, or do they understand that we don't want anymore work now that we have to worry about pharm classes?
Can you get hired on as an intern for increased pay in the summer preceding P1?
I've actually been wondering the same thing. I think it probably depends on what your state board of pharmacy says. I know it is possible here in Colorado...just need to send a copy of an admissions letter so they know you are enrolled in a program, and then you can apply for your intern license. I'm probably going to ask my manager how I should go about it. Of course the pay where I am only goes up by $1 an hour, I believe...but at least it's something.
I've actually been wondering the same thing. I think it probably depends on what your state board of pharmacy says. I know it is possible here in Colorado...just need to send a copy of an admissions letter so they know you are enrolled in a program, and then you can apply for your intern license. I'm probably going to ask my manager how I should go about it. Of course the pay where I am only goes up by $1 an hour, I believe...but at least it's something.

$1 an hour is ~$160 a month or more than $2000 a year, definitely a good thing.
Quick question about dropping classes that aren't needed now that we've been accepted. When we turn in our final transcripts, will those W's affect their choice any, or do they understand that we don't want anymore work now that we have to worry about pharm classes?
I would contact the schools to be safe. Ask them if you can change your planned courses without any effect on your admissions status. Just isn't worth it to find out the hard way, if they still want you to take the classes.
Hah hah. Congrats on getting into pharm school.

I can identify with all of you. Right now, i'm just finishing up my pre-requisites and working. Since my acceptance, I've been focusing on working overtime to save up for pharm school next year.

I'm also trying and find another job doing something part-time in the research field.

Aside from that, i started the countdown to the start orientation and took up art classes for leisure.

In regards to getting an intern license...that's a good question. I think it depends on the state you're in because working as a pharm intern varies from state to state.
from what i've heard you can't get intern license till after you start school, about a month after even.

also, i wouldn't completely slack off on school, remember, you have more schooling coming up. might as well keep your brain active and become better at studying/time management etc
I've actually been wondering the same thing. I think it probably depends on what your state board of pharmacy says. I know it is possible here in Colorado...just need to send a copy of an admissions letter so they know you are enrolled in a program, and then you can apply for your intern license. I'm probably going to ask my manager how I should go about it. Of course the pay where I am only goes up by $1 an hour, I believe...but at least it's something.

That won't work here in Colorado. You need a letter from the dean that you receive during the orientation week. The BOP no longer accepts the admissions letters for a intern license. It would be nice if they did though, I could have been an intern for months now.
Travel to as many places as I can, I plan on going to Europe for 1 month, hang out with my friends and family alot because I wont be able to see them for a long time when school starts. Play play play and enjoy life!!!
I am such a overachiever but right now I am just working to a "C" on my last pre-req class, Economic. ehhh. I feel the same way as everyone, I just want this semester to be over
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Drop all ECs and put in minimum effort to pass remaining classes.I AGREE!!! Im basically in the same boat...Accepted! thank god, no more checking email/mail every 2 hours! I am much more relaxed. Never have taken classes so lightly, school is like blah, ok whatever lol. Im looking for good paying jobs for the summer, to pay for tuition!
Don't pharmacy schools require a final transcript to make sure all your grades fulfill their requirements and such? Most schools require a C in all your entrance courses as a condition for admission.
haha i feel like i'm taking my classes TOO lightly... i dont go to class, dont do hw, dont do much at all anymore.... haha but i think if i wanan pass these courses that imma have to start actually doing SOME work. my problem is i just have no motivation.
I'm still trying to ace my last two classes that I'm in. They're pretty easy, and they're required, so I don't want to slack off. I'm also going to be looking for a full-time job and work as much as possible. I need to save up money to move. :)
Generally, is it "just get C's in all your courses" or is there a minimum gpa that a school require of you? because hypothetically if I got C's in everything, my gpa for the semester would be 2.0 and overall would drop below a 3.0. I havent got my final packet that explains everything yet, so thats why I ask.
Generally, is it "just get C's in all your courses" or is there a minimum gpa that a school require of you? because hypothetically if I got C's in everything, my gpa for the semester would be 2.0 and overall would drop below a 3.0. I havent got my final packet that explains everything yet, so thats why I ask.

I believe my letter stated pass with a C or above. It might be different for each school though.
Yea, I got accepted to Regis, CO and Northstate, CA. Regis is applying to pre-candidate status and Northstate is pre-candidate status. It's so risky, ever since I heard of the fraud and scam on Hawaii school of pharmacy, I scare it might happen to me. Anyone know any advise to not fall into that situation?
Don't pharmacy schools require a final transcript to make sure all your grades fulfill their requirements and such? Most schools require a C in all your entrance courses as a condition for admission.

...yeah...im suppose to be studying for my mid-terms right now :laugh: yeah im thinkin that i only need to get Cs so i dont have to worry that much, but my ego wont let me:eyebrow:
I'm taking 15 credits worth of prereqs, most of them being electives so I'm more "well-rounded" and 9 credits to finish off my BS in Biochemistry. With 24 credits and very active in an organization on campus, I barely have time to eat lunch, let alone play and relax this semester :(. Even with this, I still need 8 more credits during the summer to finish all my random elective courses for prereqs. -_-;;
hahahah i wish i could take it easy. I am taking 24 units as of right now for winter 2009 and going for 22 in spring 2009 to finish up my bachelors and my history minor. :-( i wish i could take it easy
hahahah i wish i could take it easy. I am taking 24 units as of right now for winter 2009 and going for 22 in spring 2009 to finish up my bachelors and my history minor. :-( i wish i could take it easy

dang, with 24 hours in a day, I don't know how you can squeeze in all those and then find time to study. I have 4 labs this year and they are all 3 hours long, so that's the toughest part of mine.
I finished up all my pre-reqs, so its smooth and BORING sailing lol...Im taking 12 credits right now....I cant remember the last time I studied! I have a paper due on Monday for a Psych class...Im going to have to power up my brain, it will be really hard!!! lol
I already finished pre-req. I'm just taking classes to earn the BS in June. Arrrgg, I wanna skip so bad...lol :laugh:
Working to try and save up money. I got a $1200 bonus this past month, totally unexpected, so I am going to Disneyland this summer! Hell yes, get my Spinning Teacups on, oh yea :)
LOL i totally bombed one of my midterms today. my fault for waiting until last night to study hahah oh welllll :rolleyes:

i think my productivity stooped down next to zero after getting accepted. i can't focus on anythingggg
LOL i totally bombed one of my midterms today. my fault for waiting until last night to study hahah oh welllll :rolleyes:

i think my productivity stooped down next to zero after getting accepted. i can't focus on anythingggg

Same here....I bombed two midterms!! Physics and Bio.:smuggrin::smuggrin:
I feel the same, only I got into the sister school... CPG.

I only have one prereq to go: General Chemistry II. I am doing really well in the class (over a 100% with all the extra credit), however, I just took my second midterm and it BLEW. Part of me WANTS to do well, just so I can finally get a f'ing A in a prereq science course as literally all my prereq science course grades are B+ (I got an A in Microbio). But then again, I only need a C to get in. For my non-preq classes, like food chemistry for my degree in nutrition, I am literally getting a D in the class. Since my acceptance, I really don't care about my other classes, which is completely unlike me! In addition, I am taking Spanish II, I listed it as an electives course when I applied, but it looks like they took a lot of my classes from when I went to art school. I am probably getting a C- in the class. Oh boy... :oops:

I suppose it's my fault. Since getting accepted in January i've been really taking it easy. I've been totally living like a couch potato... like right now for instance: i'm watching Team America : World Police and getting drunk off a homemade mojito. :D
Woop woop, so I called the school and have been informed that I have met all prerequisites. So I will be dropping two of my classes and focusing on buying a house in that oh so lovely Florida market. Who would've thought buying your first house would be so difficult ><

Other than that, I'm going to relax as much as possible since it'll be full steam ahead once August arrives.
I'm planning on trying to teach myself spanish in the next 5 months before pharmacy school. We will see how that goes haha.
I am taking chemistry classes to finish my B.S in Chemistry. I think it will be beneficial to me later on in my reasearch life.
JW, but how is your last prereq General Chem? Didn't you need this class to go onto Organic?
At my school, you have to take General Chemistry I and Organic I first and then you can go into General Chemistry II. I decided to take all my science courses last winter and I took my A&P and Physio last semester, and I decided to take my final class this semester as my school has a notoriously high fail rate for the class. So far it's going well, but like I said before... I am totally on senioritis mode. :sleep:
So i've been accepted into pharm school already (got into Midwestern CCP and interview with UIC in two week) but now i'm restless. I was so used to worrying about interviews and supp apps and running around nonstop... and now that i have nothing to do i feel useless lol.

school gives me no interest anymore, pretty much lay around now, do nothing. so my question to all those who have gotten accepted... whats ur gp (game play) now? what's really beyond getting accepted?
Congrats! Go out and enjoy yourself!
wow after getting accepted has been the most boring academic life in a while....I hope I can crank that engine(my brain) back up in September! I had a 5 page Child Psych paper, pretty easy topic too, and it took be 2 days to do it! That is the first time I used my BRAIN since my interview!
Enjoy your time off now because once P1 begins, you'll definitely hit the ground running. Pharmacy school isn't a walk in the park.
Oh and whoever told you "C=PharmD." is a lie!!!!
I would say...relax!! I am on the same boat. While all my friends are taking a year off, and I am going straight into Pharm school, I just have to worry about passing my last semester....not acing my classes. So I just relax and mentally prepare for Pharm school.

*Creighton c/o 2013

Still waiting on UCSF!!
My roommate is getting Resident Evil 5 on Friday. I plan to play that until my eyes bleed. :D
My roommate is getting Resident Evil 5 on Friday. I plan to play that until my eyes bleed. :D

Haha I was hoping Starcraft 2 would come out before the summer, but it'll probably come out once school starts in the fall :mad:
Haha I was hoping Starcraft 2 would come out before the summer, but it'll probably come out once school starts in the fall :mad:

Blizzard is the devil!! don't do it. Once you start, it's downhill from there :D.
Blizzard is the devil!! don't do it. Once you start, it's downhill from there :D.

Psshhh. When Diablo 3 comes out, I will officially have no life. Well... even more so than currently. :boom:
I have been doing TWO things after getting accepeted:

1. SLEEPING (11-14 hours/DAY!!)

2. PLAYING MADDEN 2008!( I seriously cant be beat anyone!)
tell the one of the annoying assitant managers at Walgreens (and anyone I don't like at that store) to kiss my a** since I NO LONGER have to put up with their BS anymore! :laugh: I will never have to see her ugly face again. SOOOOO HAPPY!!!! :thumbup:
skip spring quarter and finish this quarter off with a passing grade. hahaha
since I got in pharmacy school, I started to play WoW ...again.....hopefully I will be able to quit when school starts....gulp...