All Branch Topic (ABT) What will your post-military hairstyle be?

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Baron Samedi

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May 30, 2010
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I'm getting out next year and need some ideas. So far, I'm heavily leaning towards mullet ala Kurt Russell in "Escape From New York" with a handlebar mustache.

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I'm getting out next year and need some ideas. So far, I'm heavily leaning towards mullet ala Kurt Russell in "Escape From New York" with a handlebar mustache
Business in the front, party in the back... My wife will for sure veto that though if I try it.
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I got out last year.

I chose to go with slightly, incrementally more male pattern baldness than I was sporting before I got out.
One of my residency classmates shaved his head bald, because he had early male pattern baldness. He didn't take the Navy scholarship, because he would have been required to grow in his hair!

I was only a play soldier, but, I tell my barber (who used to be at Miramar) that I want the "officer, not the midshipman".
I pretty much don't shave during the month when I am not at drill and sport a short beard (which in most other military services is allowed, but not in our services) so when BA weekend rolls around about a week before I shave it off. Hair style won't ever change. I had a military short hair cut before I ever joined. Can't stand longer hair.
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I still buzz my head ever couple of weeks. Shaving? Once a week if I’m lucky. I’m saving a fortune on razors now!
There wasn't a lot exciting and new I could do during the year I took off for COVID in order to watch my autistic adult son, so, for the first time, I grew a goatee. There's plenty of gray in there to convince patients that, no, they are not older than I am at age 40. It also does not interfere with N-95 or other mask use. I've been cutting my own hair since the pandemic hit, due to news such as this article:

If I risk death from a potentially-unvaccinated woman running her hands through my hair, I'd better get more than a haircut out of the deal for the time being. (Note that 90% of the stylists at the place I go to are disrespect to male or other stylists).
There wasn't a lot exciting and new I could do during the year I took off for COVID in order to watch my autistic adult son, so, for the first time, I grew a goatee. There's plenty of gray in there to convince patients that, no, they are not older than I am at age 40. It also does not interfere with N-95 or other mask use. I've been cutting my own hair since the pandemic hit, due to news such as this article:

If I risk death from a potentially-unvaccinated woman running her hands through my hair, I'd better get more than a haircut out of the deal for the time being. (Note that 90% of the stylists at the place I go to are disrespect to male or other stylists).

Hahaha this made me chuckle. Trust me I know the struggles of balancing a full time civilian job, guard/reserves, and then also having a child on the spectrum.

Definitely would love to sport a short beard.