What would you recommend in this situation?

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Angus Avagadro

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Aug 3, 2018
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I read the article, and quite frankly, if true, I am appalled. If the allegations are proven, this could be construed as a battery on the patient. All because the patient held views different from hers. Is this where tribalism has brought us in America? I wonder what she would say about one of her classmates doing the same to a Trans patient? If proven, is there a place for redemption for this student? Can she meet the Professionalism standards for her school? Should she be expelled? Repeat the year? Have charges brought by the local DA or sued in civil court? All those years of hard work may be gone because she was foolish enough to boast about what she did on social media? Is there a place in medicine for a person who would do this to a patient? I don't have the answers. What are your thoughts? These situations happen in Med Ed and the path on how to handle them is not always clear. Please, everyone, be polite.

Med student says she stuck patient twice with needle after he mocked her pronoun pin.​

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This single tweet from a medical student will end up injuring all patient-doctor relationships around the world. Not a person I'd be proud to call a colleague. Just one more reason that abuse and distrust of physicians are at historical highs. My recommendation is that every medical student and every resident delete both their Twitter and Facebook accounts so they cannot destroy their careers in a brief moment of frustration.

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